• 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Directions:Decidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalse,ifitistrue,pleasemarkwitha“T”,orifitisfalse,pleasemarkwithan“F”. Theletterheadhelpstoformtheimpressionofthewriter’sfirm,usuallycontainingallorsomeofthefollowingelements:thecompany’snameandaddress,postcode,telephonenumber,faxnumber,e-mailaddress,evenwebaddress,andetc.____

    Directions:Decidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalse,ifitistrue,pleasemarkwitha“T”,orifitisfalse,pleasemarkwithan“F”. Theletterheadhelpstoformtheimpressionofthewriter’sfirm,usuallycontainingallorsomeofthefollowingelements:thecompany’snameandaddress,postcode,telephonenumber,faxnumber,e-mailaddress,evenwebaddress,andetc.____

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Putting in Order(排序题) Directions:Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete telephone message. A: ( )Will call again ( * ) Please call back ( * ) Urgent B: Operator: Cao Ming C: From: Mr. Ma Dong TelephoneNumber:021-82346759 To: Ms.ZhangXin Date: February 9,2006 Time: 10:30 a.m. D: Message:Mr.Ma Dong will go to Canada tomorrow and has something important to tell you. E: Telephone Message

    Putting in Order(排序题) Directions:Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete telephone message. A: ( )Will call again ( * ) Please call back ( * ) Urgent B: Operator: Cao Ming C: From: Mr. Ma Dong TelephoneNumber:021-82346759 To: Ms.ZhangXin Date: February 9,2006 Time: 10:30 a.m. D: Message:Mr.Ma Dong will go to Canada tomorrow and has something important to tell you. E: Telephone Message

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