• 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-06-04 问题

    The most common signs of acute conjunctivitis is () A: Conjunctival congestion B: Conjunctival edema C: Papillary hyperplasia D: Follicular formation

    The most common signs of acute conjunctivitis is () A: Conjunctival congestion B: Conjunctival edema C: Papillary hyperplasia D: Follicular formation

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Among the following diseases, which one is the most reliable by ultrasound? A: hemangioma B: focal nodule hyperplasia C: hepatocellular carcinoma D: liver cyst

    Among the following diseases, which one is the most reliable by ultrasound? A: hemangioma B: focal nodule hyperplasia C: hepatocellular carcinoma D: liver cyst

  • 2022-10-28 问题

    The most common cause of urinary tract obstruction in elderly men is<br/>urinary tract obstruction ( ) A: Benign prostatic hyperplasia B: Urethral tumor C: Bladder tumor D: Foreign body in bladder

    The most common cause of urinary tract obstruction in elderly men is<br/>urinary tract obstruction ( ) A: Benign prostatic hyperplasia B: Urethral tumor C: Bladder tumor D: Foreign body in bladder

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Which of the following is the features of inflammatory polyp except<br/>____ A: Protruding from the mucosal surface B: Only parenchymal cell hyperplasia C: Belonging to chronic inflammation D: Often associated with mucous membrane E: Common in nasal mucosa and cervix

    Which of the following is the features of inflammatory polyp except<br/>____ A: Protruding from the mucosal surface B: Only parenchymal cell hyperplasia C: Belonging to chronic inflammation D: Often associated with mucous membrane E: Common in nasal mucosa and cervix

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Which of the following is NOT in conformity with the features of<br/>inflammatory polyp____ A: Protruding from the mucosal surface B: Only parenchymal cell hyperplasia C: Belonging to chronic inflammation D: Often associated with mucous membrane E: Common in nasal mucosa and cervix

    Which of the following is NOT in conformity with the features of<br/>inflammatory polyp____ A: Protruding from the mucosal surface B: Only parenchymal cell hyperplasia C: Belonging to chronic inflammation D: Often associated with mucous membrane E: Common in nasal mucosa and cervix

  • 2022-06-28 问题

    关于弥漫性毒性甲状腺肿病理变化的描述中,错误的说法是 A: asymmetrical enlargement of thyroid B: epithelium hyperplasia C: vascular congestion and lymphoid infiltration in the stroma D: epithelium is columna E: little colloid with absorption vacuoles

    关于弥漫性毒性甲状腺肿病理变化的描述中,错误的说法是 A: asymmetrical enlargement of thyroid B: epithelium hyperplasia C: vascular congestion and lymphoid infiltration in the stroma D: epithelium is columna E: little colloid with absorption vacuoles

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    After the birth of her first child, a 25-year-old woman breast-fed the infant for about 1 year. Which of the following processes that occurred in the breast during pregnancy allowed her to breast-feed the infant? A: Stromal hypertrophy B: Lobular hyperplasia C: Intracellular accumulation of fat D: Ductal epithelial metaplasia

    After the birth of her first child, a 25-year-old woman breast-fed the infant for about 1 year. Which of the following processes that occurred in the breast during pregnancy allowed her to breast-feed the infant? A: Stromal hypertrophy B: Lobular hyperplasia C: Intracellular accumulation of fat D: Ductal epithelial metaplasia

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    After the birth of her first child, a 19-year-old woman breast-fed the infant for about 1 year. Which of the following processes that occurred in the breast during pregnancy allowed her to breast-feed the infant? A: Stromal hypertrophy B: Lobular hyperplasia C: Epithelial dysplasia D: Intracellular accumulation of fat E: Ductal epithelial metaplasia

    After the birth of her first child, a 19-year-old woman breast-fed the infant for about 1 year. Which of the following processes that occurred in the breast during pregnancy allowed her to breast-feed the infant? A: Stromal hypertrophy B: Lobular hyperplasia C: Epithelial dysplasia D: Intracellular accumulation of fat E: Ductal epithelial metaplasia

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    A 30-year-old man sustains a left femoral fracture in a skiing accident, and his leg is placed in a plaster cast. After the leg has been immobilized for several weeks, the diameter of the left calf has decreased. This change is most likely to result from which of the following alteration in the calf muscles? A: Metaplasia B: Hyperplasia C: Necrosis D: Atrophy

    A 30-year-old man sustains a left femoral fracture in a skiing accident, and his leg is placed in a plaster cast. After the leg has been immobilized for several weeks, the diameter of the left calf has decreased. This change is most likely to result from which of the following alteration in the calf muscles? A: Metaplasia B: Hyperplasia C: Necrosis D: Atrophy

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