• 2022-05-30 问题

    It was the team's fourth ______defeat. A: succession B: successive C: success D: successed

    It was the team's fourth ______defeat. A: succession B: successive C: success D: successed

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    We were in stopping the leak of oil. A: success B: successful C: successes D: successed

    We were in stopping the leak of oil. A: success B: successful C: successes D: successed

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Hard work and good ideas will lead to( )in business. A: success B: successful C: successed D: successes

    Hard work and good ideas will lead to( )in business. A: success B: successful C: successed D: successes

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    中国大学MOOC: 关于下面代码段的说法错误的是(   )。sql=@create table if not exists student(sID text,sName text,sAge integer); if (![db executeUpdate:sql]) { NSLog(@create table failed!); return; } NSLog(@create table successed!);

    中国大学MOOC: 关于下面代码段的说法错误的是(   )。sql=@create table if not exists student(sID text,sName text,sAge integer); if (![db executeUpdate:sql]) { NSLog(@create table failed!); return; } NSLog(@create table successed!);

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    关于下面代码段的说法错误的是()。sql=@"create table if not exists student(sID text,sName text,sAge integer)"; if (![db executeUpdate:sql]) { NSLog(@"create table failed!"); return; } NSLog(@"create table successed!"); A: SQL语句以字符串方式嵌入在OC代码中 B: if not exists用于判断数据库是否存在该同名表 C: executeUpdate用于执行任何SQL语句 D: SQL语句有语法错误时将在控制台中给出提示并返回

    关于下面代码段的说法错误的是()。sql=@"create table if not exists student(sID text,sName text,sAge integer)"; if (![db executeUpdate:sql]) { NSLog(@"create table failed!"); return; } NSLog(@"create table successed!"); A: SQL语句以字符串方式嵌入在OC代码中 B: if not exists用于判断数据库是否存在该同名表 C: executeUpdate用于执行任何SQL语句 D: SQL语句有语法错误时将在控制台中给出提示并返回

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