• 2022-05-26 问题

    Telling a story is an excellent way to gain attention in a speech introduction. The story should be ( ). A: famous B: interesting C: relevent to the topic D: popular

    Telling a story is an excellent way to gain attention in a speech introduction. The story should be ( ). A: famous B: interesting C: relevent to the topic D: popular

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    Which of the following creteria should a speaker use to evaluate the quality of the supporting materials? A: The evidence should be relevent to the point. B: The evidence should be recent. C: The evidence should come from reliable sources. D: The evidence should be interesting.

    Which of the following creteria should a speaker use to evaluate the quality of the supporting materials? A: The evidence should be relevent to the point. B: The evidence should be recent. C: The evidence should come from reliable sources. D: The evidence should be interesting.

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    营销策略调研计划制定的原则,公认的是“SMART原则”,“SMART原则”是指(________)。 A: Specific(具体的) B: Measurable(可衡量的) C: Attainable(能够达到的) D: Relevent(相关的) E: Time-Bound(限定时间的)

    营销策略调研计划制定的原则,公认的是“SMART原则”,“SMART原则”是指(________)。 A: Specific(具体的) B: Measurable(可衡量的) C: Attainable(能够达到的) D: Relevent(相关的) E: Time-Bound(限定时间的)

  • 2021-04-14 问题



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