A trailblazer is someone who marks a trail by leaving blazes on trees. In our lesson, this word refers to some leading figures in his sphere of knowledge.
A trailblazer is someone who marks a trail by leaving blazes on trees. In our lesson, this word refers to some leading figures in his sphere of knowledge.
Why was an airport forced to close down A: Because the blazes from the fire were too hot. B: Because the smoke from the fires was too thick. C: Because it was too droughty at the airport. D: Because it rained heavily there.
Why was an airport forced to close down A: Because the blazes from the fire were too hot. B: Because the smoke from the fires was too thick. C: Because it was too droughty at the airport. D: Because it rained heavily there.
Why was an airport forced to close down A: Because the blazes from the fires were too hot. B: Because the smoke from the fires were too thick. C: Because it was too droughty at the airport. D: Because it rained heavily there.
Why was an airport forced to close down A: Because the blazes from the fires were too hot. B: Because the smoke from the fires were too thick. C: Because it was too droughty at the airport. D: Because it rained heavily there.