• 2021-04-14 问题

    Watch Part 3 of the podcast and fill in the blanks. U4_1_1d.wmv 1. I'd like to be famous for doing something new and . 2. Um, these days, I'd like to be famous for doing something , I think. Ah, for the, sort of charitable work. 3. Maybe being . 4. I'd like to be well-known as a graphic designer, but that's not . 5. If I were to be famous, ah, I would like to be famous or an amazing , I think, or for perhaps, a medical cure, something to cure cancer. 6. I prefer to be anonymous. I like anonymity when I'm ./js/editor20150812/dialogs/attachment_new/fileTypeImages/icon_mv.gifhttps://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/7f00fd7f2e797cebdc950268a75ee8aa2a2e6e50.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52https://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/4a9ce7bf72fc86aad5ad4061f59cd60864ae8a64.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52https://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/279fbdf59f63c8941a5618fe8b7601add8d7d4cb.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52https://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/cd0a04df42884035e1c0143391e7db2dc4475867.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52https://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/6cba129457125cca3a5e3a05c5d82be7bdc81445.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52https://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/531629fb5c6a08ca8fb81dd3753b7d689617d411.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52

    Watch Part 3 of the podcast and fill in the blanks. U4_1_1d.wmv 1. I'd like to be famous for doing something new and . 2. Um, these days, I'd like to be famous for doing something , I think. Ah, for the, sort of charitable work. 3. Maybe being . 4. I'd like to be well-known as a graphic designer, but that's not . 5. If I were to be famous, ah, I would like to be famous or an amazing , I think, or for perhaps, a medical cure, something to cure cancer. 6. I prefer to be anonymous. I like anonymity when I'm ./js/editor20150812/dialogs/attachment_new/fileTypeImages/icon_mv.gifhttps://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/7f00fd7f2e797cebdc950268a75ee8aa2a2e6e50.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52https://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/4a9ce7bf72fc86aad5ad4061f59cd60864ae8a64.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52https://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/279fbdf59f63c8941a5618fe8b7601add8d7d4cb.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52https://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/cd0a04df42884035e1c0143391e7db2dc4475867.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52https://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/6cba129457125cca3a5e3a05c5d82be7bdc81445.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52https://ucontent.cdn.unipus.cn/edx/course-v1:Unipus+nhce_3_vls_2+2017_03/resource/image/531629fb5c6a08ca8fb81dd3753b7d689617d411.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/750#w=52&h=52

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    I live _________ A: in 52 Main Road B: at 52 Marin Road C: in 52 main road D: at 52 main road

    I live _________ A: in 52 Main Road B: at 52 Marin Road C: in 52 main road D: at 52 main road

  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2021-04-14 问题

    计算以下式子的结果。(计算结果为十进制) 71 & 52 = ______ 71 | 52 = _______ 71 ^ 52 = _______ ~ 8 = _______ 16 > 4 =______

    计算以下式子的结果。(计算结果为十进制) 71 & 52 = ______ 71 | 52 = _______ 71 ^ 52 = _______ ~ 8 = _______ 16 > 4 =______

  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-10-25 问题

    我国现行宪法和美国现行宪法分别包含( )条宪法修正案。 A: 52和25 B: 52和26 C: 52和27 D: 52和28

    我国现行宪法和美国现行宪法分别包含( )条宪法修正案。 A: 52和25 B: 52和26 C: 52和27 D: 52和28

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    测回法观测某水平角一测回,上半测回角值为52°29′12″,下半测回角值为52°28′48″,则一测回角值为( )。 A: 52°29′12″ B: 52°29′00″ C: 52°28′48″ D: 52°29′48″

    测回法观测某水平角一测回,上半测回角值为52°29′12″,下半测回角值为52°28′48″,则一测回角值为( )。 A: 52°29′12″ B: 52°29′00″ C: 52°28′48″ D: 52°29′48″

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【单选题】一副 52 张的扑克牌(无大王和小王),从中任意取出一张,共有 52 种等可能的结果 . 求抽到A 的概率 ? . A. 1/52 B. 2/52 C. 3/52 D. 1/13

    【单选题】一副 52 张的扑克牌(无大王和小王),从中任意取出一张,共有 52 种等可能的结果 . 求抽到A 的概率 ? . A. 1/52 B. 2/52 C. 3/52 D. 1/13

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    企业在清查时发现库存现金短缺52元,属于出纳责任,则相关账务处理中会计分录正确的()。 A: 借:待处理财产损溢一一待处理流动资产损溢52 贷:库存现金52 B: 借:库存现金52 贷:待处理财产损溢一一待处理流动资产损溢52 C: 借:其他应收款一一出纳52 贷:库存现金52 D: 借:营业外支出52 贷:库存现金52 E: 借:其他应收款一一出纳52 贷:待处理财产损溢一一待处理流动资产损溢52

    企业在清查时发现库存现金短缺52元,属于出纳责任,则相关账务处理中会计分录正确的()。 A: 借:待处理财产损溢一一待处理流动资产损溢52 贷:库存现金52 B: 借:库存现金52 贷:待处理财产损溢一一待处理流动资产损溢52 C: 借:其他应收款一一出纳52 贷:库存现金52 D: 借:营业外支出52 贷:库存现金52 E: 借:其他应收款一一出纳52 贷:待处理财产损溢一一待处理流动资产损溢52

  • 2022-06-15 问题



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