• 2022-05-29 问题

    Which of the followings are not malignant invasive plants(()). A: Adenophorum B: Yulan magnolia C: Water hyacinth D: Ragweed<br/>[单选题][2分][难度3]

    Which of the followings are not malignant invasive plants(()). A: Adenophorum B: Yulan magnolia C: Water hyacinth D: Ragweed<br/>[单选题][2分][难度3]

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    以下不是恶性入侵植物的是 (Which of the followings are not malignant invasive plants ) A: 紫茎泽兰 (Adenophorum) B: 玉兰 ( Yulan magnolia) C: 凤眼莲 (Water hyacinth) D: 豚草 (Ragweed)

    以下不是恶性入侵植物的是 (Which of the followings are not malignant invasive plants ) A: 紫茎泽兰 (Adenophorum) B: 玉兰 ( Yulan magnolia) C: 凤眼莲 (Water hyacinth) D: 豚草 (Ragweed)

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