Local Colorism
Local Colorism
Colorism is often viewed as a problem th...kinned counterparts.
Colorism is often viewed as a problem th...kinned counterparts.
Which of the following statements is not an example statement of colorism?
Which of the following statements is not an example statement of colorism?
Colorism is often viewed as a problem that’s unique to communities of color in which darker-skinned people discriminate against their lighter-skinned counterparts.
Colorism is often viewed as a problem that’s unique to communities of color in which darker-skinned people discriminate against their lighter-skinned counterparts.
______________, popular in the late 19th century, is a unique variation of American literary realism. A: Feminism B: Mannerism C: Local colorism D: Colloquialism
______________, popular in the late 19th century, is a unique variation of American literary realism. A: Feminism B: Mannerism C: Local colorism D: Colloquialism
List down the many literary periods of American literature in order of time as follows: Local Indian period, ______ period, ______ period, ______ period, ______ period in the form of local colorism and modernistic period.
List down the many literary periods of American literature in order of time as follows: Local Indian period, ______ period, ______ period, ______ period, ______ period in the form of local colorism and modernistic period.
Henry James is considered as the founder of _______________ in American literature, and he stresses the "psychology" of human beings. A: psychological realism B: local colorism C: critical realism D: genteel realism
Henry James is considered as the founder of _______________ in American literature, and he stresses the "psychology" of human beings. A: psychological realism B: local colorism C: critical realism D: genteel realism