• 2022-06-05 问题

    Equity is often used to<br/>allocate benefits, but equality is more commonly used to allocate<br/>burdens.

    Equity is often used to<br/>allocate benefits, but equality is more commonly used to allocate<br/>burdens.

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    18 A: They expand our mind. B: They prolong our lives. C: They narrow our focus. D: They lessen our burdens.

    18 A: They expand our mind. B: They prolong our lives. C: They narrow our focus. D: They lessen our burdens.

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    根据李克强总理的发言,我国政府将采取何种措施来促进经济增长? A: cut taxes B: ease burdens on the private sector C: give markets a bigger role D: scare investors

    根据李克强总理的发言,我国政府将采取何种措施来促进经济增长? A: cut taxes B: ease burdens on the private sector C: give markets a bigger role D: scare investors

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19题选(). A: The reasons for imposing taxes B: The various services money can buy C: The various burdens on ordinary citizens D: The function of money in the modem world

    Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19题选(). A: The reasons for imposing taxes B: The various services money can buy C: The various burdens on ordinary citizens D: The function of money in the modem world

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    As mentioned in Paragraph 4, a key question unanswered about homework is whether[u]    .[/u] A: it should be eliminated. B: it counts much in schooling. C: it places extra burdens on teachers. D: it is important for grades. 未知类型:{'label': None, 'content': '', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181}

    As mentioned in Paragraph 4, a key question unanswered about homework is whether[u]    .[/u] A: it should be eliminated. B: it counts much in schooling. C: it places extra burdens on teachers. D: it is important for grades. 未知类型:{'label': None, 'content': '', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181}

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    What is proposed as a strategy to change attitude?  A: Changing things that require one’s immediate attention. B: Starting to act in a way that embodies one’s aspirations. C: Adjusting one’s behavior gradually over a period of time. D: Considering ways of reducing one’s psychological burdens. ​

    What is proposed as a strategy to change attitude?  A: Changing things that require one’s immediate attention. B: Starting to act in a way that embodies one’s aspirations. C: Adjusting one’s behavior gradually over a period of time. D: Considering ways of reducing one’s psychological burdens. ​

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    Cet-4-1.13-Exercise 01G) Back in the 1950s most of us grew up in households where Mom cooked virtually every night. The intention to put a home-cooked meal on the table was pretty much universal. Most people couldn’t afford to do otherwise. A: People in their fifties and early sixties bear the heaviest family burdens. B: In the mid-20th century, most families ate dinner at home instead of eating out.

    Cet-4-1.13-Exercise 01G) Back in the 1950s most of us grew up in households where Mom cooked virtually every night. The intention to put a home-cooked meal on the table was pretty much universal. Most people couldn’t afford to do otherwise. A: People in their fifties and early sixties bear the heaviest family burdens. B: In the mid-20th century, most families ate dinner at home instead of eating out.

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