• 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-06-06 问题



  • 2022-06-09 问题

    Which of the following abbreviations is mentioned in the video? A: Otoh B: Btw C: Thx D: LOL

    Which of the following abbreviations is mentioned in the video? A: Otoh B: Btw C: Thx D: LOL

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Which of the following can most probably refer to the credit report A: ASAP B: BTW C: FYR D: DIY

    Which of the following can most probably refer to the credit report A: ASAP B: BTW C: FYR D: DIY

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    以下哪一种房间是商务大床房? A: BTW Business Twin B: BKN Buisiness King C: DTW Deluxe King D: STW standard Twin

    以下哪一种房间是商务大床房? A: BTW Business Twin B: BKN Buisiness King C: DTW Deluxe King D: STW standard Twin

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    You: 4 __________________? (哇,你能列举一些吗?) ‏Jane: For example, “YTTT” means “You are telling the truth?”, “YNK” means “You never know,” “BTW” means “by the way,” “BRB” means “be right back.” ‏

    You: 4 __________________? (哇,你能列举一些吗?) ‏Jane: For example, “YTTT” means “You are telling the truth?”, “YNK” means “You never know,” “BTW” means “by the way,” “BRB” means “be right back.” ‏

  • 2022-07-23 问题

    数列7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, …为等差数列

    数列7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, …为等差数列

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    PH值是溶液酸碱度的一种表示方法,()时,溶液呈中性;()时,溶液呈酸性;()时,溶液呈碱性。 A: PH=7、PH>7、PH<7 B: PH=7、PH<7、PH>7 C: PH>7、PH=7、PH<7 D: PH<7、PH=7、PH>7

    PH值是溶液酸碱度的一种表示方法,()时,溶液呈中性;()时,溶液呈酸性;()时,溶液呈碱性。 A: PH=7、PH>7、PH<7 B: PH=7、PH<7、PH>7 C: PH>7、PH=7、PH<7 D: PH<7、PH=7、PH>7

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    书挂期限为()天、口挂期限为()天、印挂期限为()天。 A: 7、7、7 B: 7、7、10 C: 7、5、7 D: 7、5、10

    书挂期限为()天、口挂期限为()天、印挂期限为()天。 A: 7、7、7 B: 7、7、10 C: 7、5、7 D: 7、5、10

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