Which of the following abbreviations is mentioned in the video? A: Otoh B: Btw C: Thx D: LOL
Which of the following abbreviations is mentioned in the video? A: Otoh B: Btw C: Thx D: LOL
Which of the following can most probably refer to the credit report A: ASAP B: BTW C: FYR D: DIY
Which of the following can most probably refer to the credit report A: ASAP B: BTW C: FYR D: DIY
以下哪一种房间是商务大床房? A: BTW Business Twin B: BKN Buisiness King C: DTW Deluxe King D: STW standard Twin
以下哪一种房间是商务大床房? A: BTW Business Twin B: BKN Buisiness King C: DTW Deluxe King D: STW standard Twin
You: 4 __________________? (哇,你能列举一些吗?) Jane: For example, “YTTT” means “You are telling the truth?”, “YNK” means “You never know,” “BTW” means “by the way,” “BRB” means “be right back.”
You: 4 __________________? (哇,你能列举一些吗?) Jane: For example, “YTTT” means “You are telling the truth?”, “YNK” means “You never know,” “BTW” means “by the way,” “BRB” means “be right back.”
数列7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, …为等差数列
数列7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, …为等差数列
PH值是溶液酸碱度的一种表示方法,()时,溶液呈中性;()时,溶液呈酸性;()时,溶液呈碱性。 A: PH=7、PH>7、PH<7 B: PH=7、PH<7、PH>7 C: PH>7、PH=7、PH<7 D: PH<7、PH=7、PH>7
PH值是溶液酸碱度的一种表示方法,()时,溶液呈中性;()时,溶液呈酸性;()时,溶液呈碱性。 A: PH=7、PH>7、PH<7 B: PH=7、PH<7、PH>7 C: PH>7、PH=7、PH<7 D: PH<7、PH=7、PH>7
书挂期限为()天、口挂期限为()天、印挂期限为()天。 A: 7、7、7 B: 7、7、10 C: 7、5、7 D: 7、5、10
书挂期限为()天、口挂期限为()天、印挂期限为()天。 A: 7、7、7 B: 7、7、10 C: 7、5、7 D: 7、5、10