如某点通用坐标为y=20490000m,则其自然坐标为() A: 490000 B: 990000 C: -10000 D: -30490000
如某点通用坐标为y=20490000m,则其自然坐标为() A: 490000 B: 990000 C: -10000 D: -30490000
Total sales income is US$125,000.00, USD1.0 = RMB6.2, the total Purchasing Price from Supplier is RMB490,000.00, Total Export Cost RMB450,000.00, Total Export Expenses is RMB250,000.00, the Total Profit is: A: 125000*6.2 - 490000<br/>=RMB 285,000.00 B: 125000*6.2 - 450000=<br/>RMB 325,000.00 C: 125000*6.2- 490000<br/>- 250000<br/>=RMB 35000 D: 125000*6.2- 450000<br/>- 250000<br/>=RMB 75000
Total sales income is US$125,000.00, USD1.0 = RMB6.2, the total Purchasing Price from Supplier is RMB490,000.00, Total Export Cost RMB450,000.00, Total Export Expenses is RMB250,000.00, the Total Profit is: A: 125000*6.2 - 490000<br/>=RMB 285,000.00 B: 125000*6.2 - 450000=<br/>RMB 325,000.00 C: 125000*6.2- 490000<br/>- 250000<br/>=RMB 35000 D: 125000*6.2- 450000<br/>- 250000<br/>=RMB 75000
If Total sales income is US$125,000.00, USD1.0 = RMB6.2, the total Purchasing Price from Supplier is RMB490,000.00, Total Export Cost RMB450,000.00, Cost-profit Rate:12%, the Total Profit is: A: 125000*12%=<br/>RMB 15000.00 B: 490000*12%=<br/>RMB 58800.00 C: 125000*6.2*12%=<br/>RMB 93000.00 D: 450000*12%=<br/>RMB 54000.00
If Total sales income is US$125,000.00, USD1.0 = RMB6.2, the total Purchasing Price from Supplier is RMB490,000.00, Total Export Cost RMB450,000.00, Cost-profit Rate:12%, the Total Profit is: A: 125000*12%=<br/>RMB 15000.00 B: 490000*12%=<br/>RMB 58800.00 C: 125000*6.2*12%=<br/>RMB 93000.00 D: 450000*12%=<br/>RMB 54000.00
If Total sales income is US$125,000.00, USD1.0 = RMB6.2, the total Purchasing Price from Supplier is RMB490,000.00, Total Export Cost RMB450,000.00, Overhead Rate:5%, the Total Overhead Expenses is: A: 125000*5%=<br/>RMB 6250.00 B: 125000*6.2*5%=<br/>RMB 38750.00 C: 490000*5%=<br/>RMB 24500.00 D: 450000*5%=<br/>RMB 22500.00
If Total sales income is US$125,000.00, USD1.0 = RMB6.2, the total Purchasing Price from Supplier is RMB490,000.00, Total Export Cost RMB450,000.00, Overhead Rate:5%, the Total Overhead Expenses is: A: 125000*5%=<br/>RMB 6250.00 B: 125000*6.2*5%=<br/>RMB 38750.00 C: 490000*5%=<br/>RMB 24500.00 D: 450000*5%=<br/>RMB 22500.00
Total sales income is US$125,000.00, USD1.0 = RMB6.2, the total Purchasing Price from Supplier is RMB490,000.00, Total Export Cost RMB450,000.00, Banking Charge Rate:0.35%, the Total Banking Charge is: A: 125000*0.35%=<br/>RMB 437.5 B: 125000*6.2*0.35%=<br/>RMB 2712.5 C: 490000*0.35%=<br/>RMB 1715.00 D: 450000*0.35%=<br/>RMB 1575.00
Total sales income is US$125,000.00, USD1.0 = RMB6.2, the total Purchasing Price from Supplier is RMB490,000.00, Total Export Cost RMB450,000.00, Banking Charge Rate:0.35%, the Total Banking Charge is: A: 125000*0.35%=<br/>RMB 437.5 B: 125000*6.2*0.35%=<br/>RMB 2712.5 C: 490000*0.35%=<br/>RMB 1715.00 D: 450000*0.35%=<br/>RMB 1575.00
某服装企业“应付账款”明细账期末余额情况如下:“应付账款——甲企业”贷方余额为300000元,“应付账款——乙企业”借方余额为210000元,“应付账款——丙企业”贷方余额为400000元。假如该企业“预付账款”明细账均为借方余额。则根据以上数据计算的放映在资产负债表上“应付账款”项目的数额为()元。 A: 910000 B: 490000 C: 700000 D: 110000
某服装企业“应付账款”明细账期末余额情况如下:“应付账款——甲企业”贷方余额为300000元,“应付账款——乙企业”借方余额为210000元,“应付账款——丙企业”贷方余额为400000元。假如该企业“预付账款”明细账均为借方余额。则根据以上数据计算的放映在资产负债表上“应付账款”项目的数额为()元。 A: 910000 B: 490000 C: 700000 D: 110000
甲企业5月10日购买A股票作为短期投资,支付的全部价款为50万元,其中包含已宣告尚未领取的现金股利10000元。5月20日收到现金股利,6月2日将此项股票出售,出售价款52万元。如果该企业没有其他有关投资的业务,应计入现金流量表中“收回投资所收到的现金”项目的金额为____元。 A: 490000 B: 500000 C: 510000 D: 520000
甲企业5月10日购买A股票作为短期投资,支付的全部价款为50万元,其中包含已宣告尚未领取的现金股利10000元。5月20日收到现金股利,6月2日将此项股票出售,出售价款52万元。如果该企业没有其他有关投资的业务,应计入现金流量表中“收回投资所收到的现金”项目的金额为____元。 A: 490000 B: 500000 C: 510000 D: 520000