There are three kinds of acronyms: ________acronyms, hybrid acronyms and syllabic acronyms.
There are three kinds of acronyms: ________acronyms, hybrid acronyms and syllabic acronyms.
Which of the following consonants is not a syllabic consonant? A: /m/ B: /n/ C: /l/ D: /r/
Which of the following consonants is not a syllabic consonant? A: /m/ B: /n/ C: /l/ D: /r/
These features of speech that involves more than single sound segments are called ____features, which mainly include syllabic structure, stress, tone and intonation.
These features of speech that involves more than single sound segments are called ____features, which mainly include syllabic structure, stress, tone and intonation.
Generally speaking, which two types can abbreviations be classified into?( ) A: Initials and acronyms B: Contractions and short forms C: Syllabic abbreviations and alphabetic abbreviations
Generally speaking, which two types can abbreviations be classified into?( ) A: Initials and acronyms B: Contractions and short forms C: Syllabic abbreviations and alphabetic abbreviations
A syllabic consonant is to be interpreted phonologically as /ə/ plus a consonant, but phonetically as the under-stroke [ ˌ ] combining vertical line below a consonant. Thus, the word button is phonologically ['bʌtn̩] but phonetically /'bʌtən/.
A syllabic consonant is to be interpreted phonologically as /ə/ plus a consonant, but phonetically as the under-stroke [ ˌ ] combining vertical line below a consonant. Thus, the word button is phonologically ['bʌtn̩] but phonetically /'bʌtən/.
The dark [ɫ] has two types of distributions. One is in word-final position, after vowel, as in call and real, and also after vowel, before consonant, such as cold and help. The other is syllabic [ɫ̩]: e.g. little and table.
The dark [ɫ] has two types of distributions. One is in word-final position, after vowel, as in call and real, and also after vowel, before consonant, such as cold and help. The other is syllabic [ɫ̩]: e.g. little and table.
根据旋律与歌词的结合情况,礼仪歌唱圣咏大致又可以划分出三种类型,这也是圣咏的三种风格,它们使用于宗教礼拜活动的不同场合。它们是( )。 A: 音节式(syllabic style);纽姆式(neumatic style);花唱式(melismatic style) B: 诵经祈祷(devotional);礼仪歌唱(sacramental);平调 (monotone) C: 诗篇歌调(psalm tone);交替圣歌(antiphon);应答圣歌(responsory) D: 赞美诗(hymn);日课(Daily offices);弥撒(mass)
根据旋律与歌词的结合情况,礼仪歌唱圣咏大致又可以划分出三种类型,这也是圣咏的三种风格,它们使用于宗教礼拜活动的不同场合。它们是( )。 A: 音节式(syllabic style);纽姆式(neumatic style);花唱式(melismatic style) B: 诵经祈祷(devotional);礼仪歌唱(sacramental);平调 (monotone) C: 诗篇歌调(psalm tone);交替圣歌(antiphon);应答圣歌(responsory) D: 赞美诗(hymn);日课(Daily offices);弥撒(mass)