According to the passage, which statement is true in the original Taoist texts? A: Wuwei means that one would think "now" is the right time to do something. B: The aim of Wuwei is to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium. C: Wuwei is an important concept of Confucianism. D: Wuwei means do nothing.
According to the passage, which statement is true in the original Taoist texts? A: Wuwei means that one would think "now" is the right time to do something. B: The aim of Wuwei is to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium. C: Wuwei is an important concept of Confucianism. D: Wuwei means do nothing.
Non-action or wuwei means doing nothing.
Non-action or wuwei means doing nothing.
Which one of the following does not belong to the key concept in Chinese Taoism?( ) A: Naturalness B: Wuwei C: Restraining Desires D: Benevolence and righteousness.
Which one of the following does not belong to the key concept in Chinese Taoism?( ) A: Naturalness B: Wuwei C: Restraining Desires D: Benevolence and righteousness.
孔子强调“己所不欲,勿施于人”,“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”。这体现了中华传统美德中的()原则。 A: 廉洁lianjie B: 勤俭qinjian C: 无为wuwei D: 仁爱renai
孔子强调“己所不欲,勿施于人”,“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”。这体现了中华传统美德中的()原则。 A: 廉洁lianjie B: 勤俭qinjian C: 无为wuwei D: 仁爱renai