• 2022-06-07 问题

    Psychologists usually use ( ) to control the problem of experimenter expectancy in experiments. A: double blind method B: inter-observer reliability measures C: single blind method D: independent measures design

    Psychologists usually use ( ) to control the problem of experimenter expectancy in experiments. A: double blind method B: inter-observer reliability measures C: single blind method D: independent measures design

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    An experimenter wants to separate silver atoms in a Stern-Gerlach experiment by at least 1 cm (a large separation) as they exit the magnetic field. To heat the silver, she has an oven that can reach 1000°C and needs to order a suitable magnet. What should be the magnet specifications? (   )

    An experimenter wants to separate silver atoms in a Stern-Gerlach experiment by at least 1 cm (a large separation) as they exit the magnetic field. To heat the silver, she has an oven that can reach 1000°C and needs to order a suitable magnet. What should be the magnet specifications? (   )

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