虚拟现实技术的三个基本特性是() A: Interaction-交互性 B: Imagination-幻觉性 C: Immersion-沉浸感 D: 互换性
虚拟现实技术的三个基本特性是() A: Interaction-交互性 B: Imagination-幻觉性 C: Immersion-沉浸感 D: 互换性
Methodists believe in adult baptism by immersion, symbolizing a mature and responsible conversion experience.
Methodists believe in adult baptism by immersion, symbolizing a mature and responsible conversion experience.
In Canada, French immersion program is offered to students whose first language is not English.
In Canada, French immersion program is offered to students whose first language is not English.
虚拟现实系统具有哪些重要特征______。 A: immersion B: interaction C: imagination D: insensibility
虚拟现实系统具有哪些重要特征______。 A: immersion B: interaction C: imagination D: insensibility
虚拟现实的三个主要特性,包括:()。 A: Real-time B: Immersion C: Interaction D: Imagination
虚拟现实的三个主要特性,包括:()。 A: Real-time B: Immersion C: Interaction D: Imagination
Full<br/>____ in the language is the fastest way to learn and learn well. A: immersion B: reaction C: preoccupation D: passion
Full<br/>____ in the language is the fastest way to learn and learn well. A: immersion B: reaction C: preoccupation D: passion
虚拟现实系统的3个特征是( ) A: 沉浸感(Immersion) B: 交互性(Interaction) C: 想象力(Imagination) D: 感知力(Perception)
虚拟现实系统的3个特征是( ) A: 沉浸感(Immersion) B: 交互性(Interaction) C: 想象力(Imagination) D: 感知力(Perception)
虚拟现实技术应该具备的三个特征:() A: Immersion(沉浸性) B: Interaction(交互性) C: Imagination(想象性) D: Abstraction(抽象)
虚拟现实技术应该具备的三个特征:() A: Immersion(沉浸性) B: Interaction(交互性) C: Imagination(想象性) D: Abstraction(抽象)
虚拟现实(VR)技术的特征有: A: Immersion(沉浸感) B: Interaction(交互性) C: Imagination(想象性) D: Deception(虚假性)
虚拟现实(VR)技术的特征有: A: Immersion(沉浸感) B: Interaction(交互性) C: Imagination(想象性) D: Deception(虚假性)
Lubricating oil is supplied to the crank-pin bearings in a marine diesel engine by (). A: internal crankshaft passages B: immersion in oil C: splash lubrication D: injection lubricatio
Lubricating oil is supplied to the crank-pin bearings in a marine diesel engine by (). A: internal crankshaft passages B: immersion in oil C: splash lubrication D: injection lubricatio