请选出表达有效的句子 A: Studentswhoareintheirfourthyearattheuniversitygotovisitthelibraryregularly. B: Thefourth-yearcollegestudentsgotovisitthelibraryregularly.
请选出表达有效的句子 A: Studentswhoareintheirfourthyearattheuniversitygotovisitthelibraryregularly. B: Thefourth-yearcollegestudentsgotovisitthelibraryregularly.
Memorial Day, on thefourth Monday of every May, is a day on which Americans honor __________. A: thedead B: Washington C: Martin Luther King D: Lincoln
Memorial Day, on thefourth Monday of every May, is a day on which Americans honor __________. A: thedead B: Washington C: Martin Luther King D: Lincoln