• 2022-07-28 问题

    问卷设计的流程是( ) A: abcde B: acebd C: acbed D: caebd

    问卷设计的流程是( ) A: abcde B: acebd C: acbed D: caebd

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    关于答辩流程,下列排序正确的是:a:答辩资格审查。b:答辩人退场,等待答辩结果。c:答辩人陈述阶段。d:告知答辩人答辩结果。e:答辩老师提问阶段。 A: acebd B: abcde C: cebad D: cebda

    关于答辩流程,下列排序正确的是:a:答辩资格审查。b:答辩人退场,等待答辩结果。c:答辩人陈述阶段。d:告知答辩人答辩结果。e:答辩老师提问阶段。 A: acebd B: abcde C: cebad D: cebda

  • 2022-06-10 问题

    Which of the following is the correct procedure of tax refund? (以下哪一项是退税的正确步骤?)[br][/br] A.fill out tax refund form with the information of commodity (by seller) B.hand in the tax refund format the airport C.fill in the shopper’s personal information on the tax refund form D.shopin the tax-free malland get the receipts E.claim the refund fee A: ACEBD B: ECDBA C: DACBE D: BDACE

    Which of the following is the correct procedure of tax refund? (以下哪一项是退税的正确步骤?)[br][/br] A.fill out tax refund form with the information of commodity (by seller) B.hand in the tax refund format the airport C.fill in the shopper’s personal information on the tax refund form D.shopin the tax-free malland get the receipts E.claim the refund fee A: ACEBD B: ECDBA C: DACBE D: BDACE

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