• 2022-05-28 问题

    Rousseau is the author of which book? A: Emile, or On Education B: The Sorrows of Young Werther C: Leaves of Grass D: Time machine

    Rousseau is the author of which book? A: Emile, or On Education B: The Sorrows of Young Werther C: Leaves of Grass D: Time machine

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    The concept “survival of the fittest” was put forward by_____. A: Charles Darwin B: Emile Zola C: Stephen Crane D: Herbert Spencer

    The concept “survival of the fittest” was put forward by_____. A: Charles Darwin B: Emile Zola C: Stephen Crane D: Herbert Spencer

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Who of the follwing scholars have contributed to the discipline of sociology A: Auguste Comte B: Karl Marx C: Emile Durkheim D: Max Webe E: Martin Seligman

    Who of the follwing scholars have contributed to the discipline of sociology A: Auguste Comte B: Karl Marx C: Emile Durkheim D: Max Webe E: Martin Seligman

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    input 元素的哪个类型属性将元素的值设置为表示一定范围内的数字? A: ange B: emile C: file D: data

    input 元素的哪个类型属性将元素的值设置为表示一定范围内的数字? A: ange B: emile C: file D: data

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    问题:input 元素的哪个类型属性将元素的值设置为表示一定范围内的数字? A: range B: emile C: file D: data

    问题:input 元素的哪个类型属性将元素的值设置为表示一定范围内的数字? A: range B: emile C: file D: data

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    以下人物中,新艺术运动的代表人物有( )。 A: 查尔斯·雷尼·麦金托什(Charles Rennie Mackimtosh) B: 爱弥尔•盖勒(Emile Gallé) C: 赫克多•吉玛德(Hector Guimard) D: 奥布雷•比亚兹莱(Aubrey Beardsley)

    以下人物中,新艺术运动的代表人物有( )。 A: 查尔斯·雷尼·麦金托什(Charles Rennie Mackimtosh) B: 爱弥尔•盖勒(Emile Gallé) C: 赫克多•吉玛德(Hector Guimard) D: 奥布雷•比亚兹莱(Aubrey Beardsley)

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