The<br/>bacterial structure with adhesive ability is () A: fimbriae B: capsules C: flagella D: spore E: none<br/>of the above
The<br/>bacterial structure with adhesive ability is () A: fimbriae B: capsules C: flagella D: spore E: none<br/>of the above
中国大学MOOC: 鞭毛flagella和纤毛cilia主要是属于藻类和真菌的细胞结构。
中国大学MOOC: 鞭毛flagella和纤毛cilia主要是属于藻类和真菌的细胞结构。
Which of the following Bacterium entericum don’t have flagella A: Vibriocholerae B: Bacillusproteus C: dysentery bacillus D: E coli
Which of the following Bacterium entericum don’t have flagella A: Vibriocholerae B: Bacillusproteus C: dysentery bacillus D: E coli
Which<br/>of the following components can be recognized by phages as receptors<br/>for Escherichia coli?()(、C、D)。 A: lipopolysaccharide B: peptidoglycan C: flagella D: fimbriae
Which<br/>of the following components can be recognized by phages as receptors<br/>for Escherichia coli?()(、C、D)。 A: lipopolysaccharide B: peptidoglycan C: flagella D: fimbriae
The relationship between a bacterium and its flagella is most nearly analogous to which of the following A: A rider jumping on a horse's back. B: A ball being hit by a bat. C: A boat powered by a motor. D: A door closed by a gust of wind.
The relationship between a bacterium and its flagella is most nearly analogous to which of the following A: A rider jumping on a horse's back. B: A ball being hit by a bat. C: A boat powered by a motor. D: A door closed by a gust of wind.
下列何者为革兰氏阴性细菌与革兰氏阳性细菌的主要差异 ?<br/>____ A: 荚膜( capsule) B: 鞭毛( flagella) C: 脂质 A(lipid A) D: 胜肽聚醣( peptidoglycan)
下列何者为革兰氏阴性细菌与革兰氏阳性细菌的主要差异 ?<br/>____ A: 荚膜( capsule) B: 鞭毛( flagella) C: 脂质 A(lipid A) D: 胜肽聚醣( peptidoglycan)