• 2022-06-06 问题

    1. The person in dialogue 1 wants to go to the _______________.2. The person in dialogue 2 wants to go to the ______.3. The person in dialogue 3 wants to go to the ______________________.

    1. The person in dialogue 1 wants to go to the _______________.2. The person in dialogue 2 wants to go to the ______.3. The person in dialogue 3 wants to go to the ______________________.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    What topic is discussed in Dialogue 1?

    What topic is discussed in Dialogue 1?

  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2021-04-14 问题

    1. The person in dialogue 1 wants to go to the _______________.

    1. The person in dialogue 1 wants to go to the _______________.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    请听dialogue 1,并完成填空

    请听dialogue 1,并完成填空

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    What does the “mother arm” possibly mean Dialogue 1?

    What does the “mother arm” possibly mean Dialogue 1?

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【单选题】int w = 0; void fun() { w++; printf("w = %d ", w); } main() { int w = 5; w++; printf("w = %d ", w); fun(); printf("w = %d ", w); } A. w=1 w=1 w=6 B. w=6 w=0 w=6 C. w=6 w=1 w=6 D. w=5 w=1 w=6

    【单选题】int w = 0; void fun() { w++; printf("w = %d ", w); } main() { int w = 5; w++; printf("w = %d ", w); fun(); printf("w = %d ", w); } A. w=1 w=1 w=6 B. w=6 w=0 w=6 C. w=6 w=1 w=6 D. w=5 w=1 w=6

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    一组合电路有四个输入[w3,w2,w1,w0]=W及一个输出K,W为二数进位数字,其中w3为MSB[最高位元]﹔K=1若且为若W=[w3,w2,w1,w0]]为5或7的倍数。下列叙述何者错误?() A: w=0,w=1,w=0,w=0时K=0 B: w=0,w=1,w=0,w=1时K=1 C: w=0,w=1,w=1,w=1时K=0 D: w=1,w=1,w=1,w=0时K=1

    一组合电路有四个输入[w3,w2,w1,w0]=W及一个输出K,W为二数进位数字,其中w3为MSB[最高位元]﹔K=1若且为若W=[w3,w2,w1,w0]]为5或7的倍数。下列叙述何者错误?() A: w=0,w=1,w=0,w=0时K=0 B: w=0,w=1,w=0,w=1时K=1 C: w=0,w=1,w=1,w=1时K=0 D: w=1,w=1,w=1,w=0时K=1

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    What suggestions are given to show sincere appreciation toward the wife in Dialogue 1?

    What suggestions are given to show sincere appreciation toward the wife in Dialogue 1?

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【听力题】第三周商务英语视听说作业.docx Dialogue 1

    【听力题】第三周商务英语视听说作业.docx Dialogue 1

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