• 2022-06-19 问题

    _________grown up, like an adult

    _________grown up, like an adult

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Though she has grown up, her behavior is often ________ .

    Though she has grown up, her behavior is often ________ .

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Tension has been ___ between the employers and the workers on strike. A: built up B: put up C: grown up D: pulled up

    Tension has been ___ between the employers and the workers on strike. A: built up B: put up C: grown up D: pulled up

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    6 I was ______ up to be honest. A: bringing B: grown C: brought D: growing

    6 I was ______ up to be honest. A: bringing B: grown C: brought D: growing

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Your children have grown up and they start to . A: pay their way B: rather than pay C: in no time to pay D: build up

    Your children have grown up and they start to . A: pay their way B: rather than pay C: in no time to pay D: build up

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    A new town has grown up in this ___________ district. A: industrially B: industry C: industrial D: industries

    A new town has grown up in this ___________ district. A: industrially B: industry C: industrial D: industries

  • 2022-06-10 问题

    A new town has up in this industrial district. A: grow B: grown C: growed D: grew

    A new town has up in this industrial district. A: grow B: grown C: growed D: grew

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    Since I've grown up, I don't want to depend too much my perents.

    Since I've grown up, I don't want to depend too much my perents.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    When Linda was young, her parents died in an accident. So she was ______ by her aunt. A: [A] grown up B: [B] brought out C: [C] brought up

    When Linda was young, her parents died in an accident. So she was ______ by her aunt. A: [A] grown up B: [B] brought out C: [C] brought up

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    中华民族迎来了从站起来,富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃。下列译文最佳是() A: The Chinese nation has achieved a tremendous transformation: it has stood up, grown rich and is becoming strong. B: The Chinese nation has achieved a tremendous transformation: it has stood up, become prosperous and grown in strength. C: The Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, becoming rich to becoming strong. D: /

    中华民族迎来了从站起来,富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃。下列译文最佳是() A: The Chinese nation has achieved a tremendous transformation: it has stood up, grown rich and is becoming strong. B: The Chinese nation has achieved a tremendous transformation: it has stood up, become prosperous and grown in strength. C: The Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, becoming rich to becoming strong. D: /

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