7.The little boy still needs the _____20 dollars to dowith some things _____. A: remaining; remained to be settled B: remaining; remaining to be settled C: remained; remained to settle D: remained; remaining to settle
7.The little boy still needs the _____20 dollars to dowith some things _____. A: remaining; remained to be settled B: remaining; remaining to be settled C: remained; remained to settle D: remained; remaining to settle
The remaining sum will be paid upon the completion of the work.
The remaining sum will be paid upon the completion of the work.
The seat of France's North American holdings in the eighteenth century was Quebec, and the French heritage — dominant there.() A: to remain B: remaining C: by remaining D: has remained
The seat of France's North American holdings in the eighteenth century was Quebec, and the French heritage — dominant there.() A: to remain B: remaining C: by remaining D: has remained
47() A: old B: remaining C: new D: other
47() A: old B: remaining C: new D: other
We didn't (crowd)into the last few remaining bedrooms
We didn't (crowd)into the last few remaining bedrooms
A.retainingB.remainingC.reservingD.relating A: retaining B: remaining C: reserving D: relating
A.retainingB.remainingC.reservingD.relating A: retaining B: remaining C: reserving D: relating
中国大学MOOC: You have the alternative of getting married or remaining a ______.
中国大学MOOC: You have the alternative of getting married or remaining a ______.
年初剩余的551万农村贫困人口全部脱贫、52个贫困县全部摘帽。 A: All remaining poor rural residents, totaling 55.1 million in early 2020, were lifted from poverty, as were all of China’s remaining 52 poor counties. B: All remained poor rural residents, totaling 5.51 million in early 2020, were lifted from poverty, as were all of China’s remaining 52 poor counties. C: All remaining poor rural residents, totaling 5.51 million in early 2020, were lifted from poverty, as were all of China’s remaining 52 poor counties.
年初剩余的551万农村贫困人口全部脱贫、52个贫困县全部摘帽。 A: All remaining poor rural residents, totaling 55.1 million in early 2020, were lifted from poverty, as were all of China’s remaining 52 poor counties. B: All remained poor rural residents, totaling 5.51 million in early 2020, were lifted from poverty, as were all of China’s remaining 52 poor counties. C: All remaining poor rural residents, totaling 5.51 million in early 2020, were lifted from poverty, as were all of China’s remaining 52 poor counties.
However,whenthe______admissionsdecisionscameout,wordscan’tbegintodescribetheexcitementIfelt. A: remaining B: overwhelming C: frequent D: primal
However,whenthe______admissionsdecisionscameout,wordscan’tbegintodescribetheexcitementIfelt. A: remaining B: overwhelming C: frequent D: primal
Theword“holding”inparagraph3,line6isclosestinmeaningto______. A: supporting B: remaining C: acquiring D: owning
Theword“holding”inparagraph3,line6isclosestinmeaningto______. A: supporting B: remaining C: acquiring D: owning