中国大学MOOC: Marxist literary criticism believes that literary works are reflections of the relationship of the superstructure of a society and its__________.
中国大学MOOC: Marxist literary criticism believes that literary works are reflections of the relationship of the superstructure of a society and its__________.
Marxist literary criticism believes that literary works are reflections of the relationship of the superstructure of a society and its__________. A: economic base B: ruling structure C: force of production D: mass culture
Marxist literary criticism believes that literary works are reflections of the relationship of the superstructure of a society and its__________. A: economic base B: ruling structure C: force of production D: mass culture
War is the social cancer of mankind. It is a pernicious form of ignorance, for it destroys not only its "enemies", but also the whole superstructure of what it is a part—and thus eventually it defeats itself.() A: baneful B: optimal C: paradoxical D: perilous
War is the social cancer of mankind. It is a pernicious form of ignorance, for it destroys not only its "enemies", but also the whole superstructure of what it is a part—and thus eventually it defeats itself.() A: baneful B: optimal C: paradoxical D: perilous
识时务者为俊杰,时务是指 A: 人类社会发展的基本pattern B: 人类社会普遍不存在的阶级斗争law C: 生产力要适应生产关系law D: economic base 要适应superstructure规律
识时务者为俊杰,时务是指 A: 人类社会发展的基本pattern B: 人类社会普遍不存在的阶级斗争law C: 生产力要适应生产关系law D: economic base 要适应superstructure规律
船舶主甲板以下为主船体,位于主甲板以上的主要结构是上层建筑,包括船楼和甲板室,船楼中的艉楼英文是(). A: Poop B: Forecastle C: Superstructure
船舶主甲板以下为主船体,位于主甲板以上的主要结构是上层建筑,包括船楼和甲板室,船楼中的艉楼英文是(). A: Poop B: Forecastle C: Superstructure