. Linda wants to record his voice. What kind of software does he need? A: Total Recorders B: Video Editors C: Electronic Readers D: Video Displayers
. Linda wants to record his voice. What kind of software does he need? A: Total Recorders B: Video Editors C: Electronic Readers D: Video Displayers
Mary wants to make the photo clearer and nicer. What kind of software does she need? A: Chat Tools B: Image Editors C: Video Displayers D: Audio Players
Mary wants to make the photo clearer and nicer. What kind of software does she need? A: Chat Tools B: Image Editors C: Video Displayers D: Audio Players
Lucy and her brothers want to chat with their parents online for free. What kind of software do they need? A: Audio Players B: Video Displayers C: Chat Tools D: Image Editors
Lucy and her brothers want to chat with their parents online for free. What kind of software do they need? A: Audio Players B: Video Displayers C: Chat Tools D: Image Editors
Mary wants to make the photo clearer and nicer. What kind of software does she need?The proper software: _________________. A: Chat Tools B: Image Editors C: Video Displayers D: Audio Players
Mary wants to make the photo clearer and nicer. What kind of software does she need?The proper software: _________________. A: Chat Tools B: Image Editors C: Video Displayers D: Audio Players