• 2022-06-06 问题

    The Forbidden City is a good example of the durability of the _______ buildings。( ) A: cement B: wooden C: steel D: stone

    The Forbidden City is a good example of the durability of the _______ buildings。( ) A: cement B: wooden C: steel D: stone

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    ()of pottery is dependent on the durability of clay after firing. A: To make B: The making C: When to make D: It is making

    ()of pottery is dependent on the durability of clay after firing. A: To make B: The making C: When to make D: It is making

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Thatched houses are still preferred because of ______. A: their style and comfort B: their durability C: their easy maintenance D: their cheap and ready-made materials

    Thatched houses are still preferred because of ______. A: their style and comfort B: their durability C: their easy maintenance D: their cheap and ready-made materials

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    In choosing the new furniture for the room, Fellman would give top priority to () A: its durability B: its simplicity C: its price D: its color

    In choosing the new furniture for the room, Fellman would give top priority to () A: its durability B: its simplicity C: its price D: its color

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    In the following statements of volumetric analysis used for content determination, the incorrect one is ( ). A: simple operation B: accurate results C: good durability D: high specificity

    In the following statements of volumetric analysis used for content determination, the incorrect one is ( ). A: simple operation B: accurate results C: good durability D: high specificity

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    事务的特性有()。 A: 原子性(Atomicity) B: 一致性(Consistency) C: 隔离性(1solation) D: 可生存性(Survivability) E: 持续性(Durability)

    事务的特性有()。 A: 原子性(Atomicity) B: 一致性(Consistency) C: 隔离性(1solation) D: 可生存性(Survivability) E: 持续性(Durability)

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    事务必须使数据库从一个一致性状态变为另一个一致性状态,这是事务的 A: Atomicity B: Consistency C: Isolation D: Durability

    事务必须使数据库从一个一致性状态变为另一个一致性状态,这是事务的 A: Atomicity B: Consistency C: Isolation D: Durability

  • 2022-10-26 问题

    关系型数据库中关于事务有ACID四个特性,分别代表() A: 原子性(Atomicity) B: 一致性(consistency) C: 隔离性(isolation) D: 持久性(durability)

    关系型数据库中关于事务有ACID四个特性,分别代表() A: 原子性(Atomicity) B: 一致性(consistency) C: 隔离性(isolation) D: 持久性(durability)

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    OpenStack基础组件当中的对象存储Swift组件的主要特征不包括( )。 A: 极高的数据持久性(Durability) B: 完全对称的系统架构 C: 有限的可扩展性 D: 无单点故障

    OpenStack基础组件当中的对象存储Swift组件的主要特征不包括( )。 A: 极高的数据持久性(Durability) B: 完全对称的系统架构 C: 有限的可扩展性 D: 无单点故障

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    在事务特性中,( )指事务一旦完成,不管是成功,还是失败,整个系统处于数据一致的状态。 A: 原子性(Atomicity) B: 一致性(Consistency) C: 持久性(Durability) D: 隔离性(Isolation)

    在事务特性中,( )指事务一旦完成,不管是成功,还是失败,整个系统处于数据一致的状态。 A: 原子性(Atomicity) B: 一致性(Consistency) C: 持久性(Durability) D: 隔离性(Isolation)

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