During the first six months of...illion jobs in 2018.
During the first six months of...illion jobs in 2018.
The standard meter is accurate to about two parts ____________. A: illion B: in billion C: in one billion D: per a billion
The standard meter is accurate to about two parts ____________. A: illion B: in billion C: in one billion D: per a billion
传送速率的单位“b/s”代表( )[br][/br](1.0) A: ytes per second B: its per second C: aud per second D: illion per second
传送速率的单位“b/s”代表( )[br][/br](1.0) A: ytes per second B: its per second C: aud per second D: illion per second
网络中数据传输速率的单位是bps,其含义是_______。 A: yte Per Second B: aud Per Second C: it Per Second D: illion Per Second
网络中数据传输速率的单位是bps,其含义是_______。 A: yte Per Second B: aud Per Second C: it Per Second D: illion Per Second
数据通信中的信道传输速率单位用bps表示,bps的含义是( )。 A: its per second B: aud per second C: yte per second D: illion per second
数据通信中的信道传输速率单位用bps表示,bps的含义是( )。 A: its per second B: aud per second C: yte per second D: illion per second