可以在Tiffany APP上尽情试戴各种Tiffany钻戒。()
可以在Tiffany APP上尽情试戴各种Tiffany钻戒。()
中国大学MOOC: 可以在Tiffany APP上尽情试戴各种Tiffany钻戒。
中国大学MOOC: 可以在Tiffany APP上尽情试戴各种Tiffany钻戒。
Why did Tiffany not offer the job to the Asian-American man?
Why did Tiffany not offer the job to the Asian-American man?
Conversation 2(1) What is the main idea of the conversation? A: Tiffany has got a new office. B: Phil was off at a conference. C: Tiffany moves to a new office due to the absence of Phil. D: Phil is a doctor.
Conversation 2(1) What is the main idea of the conversation? A: Tiffany has got a new office. B: Phil was off at a conference. C: Tiffany moves to a new office due to the absence of Phil. D: Phil is a doctor.
蒂芙尼的创始人之一查尔斯•路易斯•蒂芙尼(Charles Lewis Tiffany)开创了求婚钻戒的经典款——皇冠款。? 错误|正确
蒂芙尼的创始人之一查尔斯•路易斯•蒂芙尼(Charles Lewis Tiffany)开创了求婚钻戒的经典款——皇冠款。? 错误|正确
Why does Tiffany think Taylor Swift notsuitable to be the ambassador? A: Because she is not so famous. B: Because she doesn't have lots of followers. C: Because her skin color is white.
Why does Tiffany think Taylor Swift notsuitable to be the ambassador? A: Because she is not so famous. B: Because she doesn't have lots of followers. C: Because her skin color is white.
What do we learn about Audrey Hepburn from the news report? A: She was one of the most influential women movie stars. B: She was famous for her role in Breakfast at Tiffany's. C: She was chosen to be the most naturally beautiful woman. D: She was considered the sexist movie star.
What do we learn about Audrey Hepburn from the news report? A: She was one of the most influential women movie stars. B: She was famous for her role in Breakfast at Tiffany's. C: She was chosen to be the most naturally beautiful woman. D: She was considered the sexist movie star.
2022 年 1 月 20 日,《2022 胡润至尚优品——中国高净值人群品牌倾向报告》在上海浦东香格里拉大酒店发布,()作为胡润上榜艺术家收藏礼品之一, 与 Dior、Tiffany 等知名品牌共同亮相《胡润-最具艺术气质单品榜》。
2022 年 1 月 20 日,《2022 胡润至尚优品——中国高净值人群品牌倾向报告》在上海浦东香格里拉大酒店发布,()作为胡润上榜艺术家收藏礼品之一, 与 Dior、Tiffany 等知名品牌共同亮相《胡润-最具艺术气质单品榜》。
关于奢侈品品牌的收购并购,下列表述正确的有: A: 2019年,开云集团收购了意大利奢侈品集团Moncler。 B: 2019年,LVMH集团收购了Tiffany。 C: 通过“白衣骑士”的反收购方案,开云集团打败LVMH,收购了GUCCI。 D: 七匹狼收购了Karl Lagerfeld品牌在大中华区的大部分运营权。
关于奢侈品品牌的收购并购,下列表述正确的有: A: 2019年,开云集团收购了意大利奢侈品集团Moncler。 B: 2019年,LVMH集团收购了Tiffany。 C: 通过“白衣骑士”的反收购方案,开云集团打败LVMH,收购了GUCCI。 D: 七匹狼收购了Karl Lagerfeld品牌在大中华区的大部分运营权。