• 2021-04-14 问题

    Coca-Cola and Pepsi have built partnership with world’s famous fast-food companies such as McDonald’s and KFC, this demostrated the great impact of marketing intermediaries.

    Coca-Cola and Pepsi have built partnership with world’s famous fast-food companies such as McDonald’s and KFC, this demostrated the great impact of marketing intermediaries.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The demand for ________ is more elastic than the demand for ________. A: chewing gum; cars B: all personal computers; Dell computers C: Pepsi; all soft beverages D: food; exotic vacations

    The demand for ________ is more elastic than the demand for ________. A: chewing gum; cars B: all personal computers; Dell computers C: Pepsi; all soft beverages D: food; exotic vacations

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    What does the woman invite the man to do() A: Work with her in "Pepsi". B: Go to buy a ticket on the "black market". C: Go to see a movie with her. D: Sell movie tickets for her friend.

    What does the woman invite the man to do() A: Work with her in "Pepsi". B: Go to buy a ticket on the "black market". C: Go to see a movie with her. D: Sell movie tickets for her friend.

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    "Forget football" in Paragraph 1 suggests that football has been ______. A: the fiercest competition at high schools B: thought to have iii impact on students C: competing with commercials on campus D: brought into disrepute by Coke and Pepsi

    "Forget football" in Paragraph 1 suggests that football has been ______. A: the fiercest competition at high schools B: thought to have iii impact on students C: competing with commercials on campus D: brought into disrepute by Coke and Pepsi

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    Why does Shaq walk toward the kid? A: Because he wants to know if the kid admires him. B: Because he wants to ask the kid for the Pepsi. C: Because he is going to buy a Pepsi from the kid. D: Because he likes the kid.

    Why does Shaq walk toward the kid? A: Because he wants to know if the kid admires him. B: Because he wants to ask the kid for the Pepsi. C: Because he is going to buy a Pepsi from the kid. D: Because he likes the kid.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Pepsi launches a lot of advertising campaigns forits new products. A: 百事可乐在新产品上发起了很多广告攻势。 B: 百事可乐为其新产品开展了大量的广告活动。 C: 百事可乐为生产新产品发动了很多广告运动。

    Pepsi launches a lot of advertising campaigns forits new products. A: 百事可乐在新产品上发起了很多广告攻势。 B: 百事可乐为其新产品开展了大量的广告活动。 C: 百事可乐为生产新产品发动了很多广告运动。

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Last week Jeffrey Dunn, president of Coca-Cola Americas, made an important decision to ______. A: defend its red logo on a still larger scale B: agree to negotiate with Pepsi over new terms C: modify its sales engineering at high schools D: give up its exclusive "pouring rights" on campus

    Last week Jeffrey Dunn, president of Coca-Cola Americas, made an important decision to ______. A: defend its red logo on a still larger scale B: agree to negotiate with Pepsi over new terms C: modify its sales engineering at high schools D: give up its exclusive "pouring rights" on campus

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    According to Al Ries, Pepsi is so successful because it ______. A: would like to spend billions of money on the promotion of its products B: has twice as many advertising experts to turn to for consultation C: is always changing its image to cater to the taste of the young people D: can make effective use of famous stars popular with the young people

    According to Al Ries, Pepsi is so successful because it ______. A: would like to spend billions of money on the promotion of its products B: has twice as many advertising experts to turn to for consultation C: is always changing its image to cater to the taste of the young people D: can make effective use of famous stars popular with the young people

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    A Smart Move or an Error — The Story of the New Coke 1 In May 1985, the Coca-Cola Company made a big marketing error. After ninety-nine successful years, it threw away its original formula Coke! In its place came New Coke with a sweeter, smoother taste. The company announced the new taste with much advertising. 2 At first, New Coke sold well. But sales soon went flat. Coke began receiving more than fifteen hundred phone calls and many bags of mail each day from angry consumers. A group called Old Cola Drinkers protested and threatened to start a suit unless Coca-Cola brought back the old formula or made it public. 3 In mid-July, after just two months, the Coca-Cola Company brought old Coke back. Called Coke Classic, it was sold side by side with New Coke on supermarket shelves. The company said that New Coke would be its main brand, but consumers had a different idea. By the end of 1985, Classic was outselling New Coke in supermarkets by two to one. Thus Coke Classic became the company's main brand. 4 Why was New Coke introduced in the first place? What went wrong? Many analysts blame the error on poor marketing research. 5 In the early 1980s, though Coke was still the leading soft drink, it was slowly losing market share to Pepsi. For years, Pepsi had successfully started the “Pepsi Challenge,” and a series of taste tests showed that consumers preferred the sweeter taste of Pepsi. By early 1985, though Coke led in the overall market, Pepsi led in share of supermarket sales by 2 percent. This 2 percent of the big soft-drink market means millions of dollars in retail sales! Coca-Cola had to do something to stop this. The solution appeared to be a change in Coke's taste. 6 Coca-Cola began the largest new-product research project in the company's history. It spent over two years and millions of dollars on research. It conducted about two hundred thousand taste tests. In the blind tests, 60 percent of consumers chose the new Coke over the old, and 52 percent chose it over Pepsi. Research seemed to show that New Coke would be a winner and the company introduced it with confidence. So what happened? 7 Looking back, Coke's marketing research appears to have been too narrow. The research looked only at taste; it did not explore how consumers felt about dropping the old Coke and replacing it with the new Coke. The research consisted mostly of "blind comparisons" and did not look at the total product: name, history, packaging, and image. To many people, Coke, like hot dogs and apple pie, is a typical American product. The company failed to consider the people's emotions about Coke. 8 Perhaps Coke's managers used poor judgment. For example, they overlooked the fact that 40 percent still wanted the old Coke. The company might have been wiser to leave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand extension. Furthermore, the new Coke should not have gone national immediately. Instead, it should have been introduced regionally to see how well it would do. 9 However, some observers thought that Coke's managers had made a smart decision. Supermarkets would have resisted adding another Coke flavor on their shelves. By first taking away its original Coke and then bringing it back again, the company got two brands on the shelf, really a clever trick in the struggle for shelf space.

    A Smart Move or an Error — The Story of the New Coke 1 In May 1985, the Coca-Cola Company made a big marketing error. After ninety-nine successful years, it threw away its original formula Coke! In its place came New Coke with a sweeter, smoother taste. The company announced the new taste with much advertising. 2 At first, New Coke sold well. But sales soon went flat. Coke began receiving more than fifteen hundred phone calls and many bags of mail each day from angry consumers. A group called Old Cola Drinkers protested and threatened to start a suit unless Coca-Cola brought back the old formula or made it public. 3 In mid-July, after just two months, the Coca-Cola Company brought old Coke back. Called Coke Classic, it was sold side by side with New Coke on supermarket shelves. The company said that New Coke would be its main brand, but consumers had a different idea. By the end of 1985, Classic was outselling New Coke in supermarkets by two to one. Thus Coke Classic became the company's main brand. 4 Why was New Coke introduced in the first place? What went wrong? Many analysts blame the error on poor marketing research. 5 In the early 1980s, though Coke was still the leading soft drink, it was slowly losing market share to Pepsi. For years, Pepsi had successfully started the “Pepsi Challenge,” and a series of taste tests showed that consumers preferred the sweeter taste of Pepsi. By early 1985, though Coke led in the overall market, Pepsi led in share of supermarket sales by 2 percent. This 2 percent of the big soft-drink market means millions of dollars in retail sales! Coca-Cola had to do something to stop this. The solution appeared to be a change in Coke's taste. 6 Coca-Cola began the largest new-product research project in the company's history. It spent over two years and millions of dollars on research. It conducted about two hundred thousand taste tests. In the blind tests, 60 percent of consumers chose the new Coke over the old, and 52 percent chose it over Pepsi. Research seemed to show that New Coke would be a winner and the company introduced it with confidence. So what happened? 7 Looking back, Coke's marketing research appears to have been too narrow. The research looked only at taste; it did not explore how consumers felt about dropping the old Coke and replacing it with the new Coke. The research consisted mostly of "blind comparisons" and did not look at the total product: name, history, packaging, and image. To many people, Coke, like hot dogs and apple pie, is a typical American product. The company failed to consider the people's emotions about Coke. 8 Perhaps Coke's managers used poor judgment. For example, they overlooked the fact that 40 percent still wanted the old Coke. The company might have been wiser to leave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand extension. Furthermore, the new Coke should not have gone national immediately. Instead, it should have been introduced regionally to see how well it would do. 9 However, some observers thought that Coke's managers had made a smart decision. Supermarkets would have resisted adding another Coke flavor on their shelves. By first taking away its original Coke and then bringing it back again, the company got two brands on the shelf, really a clever trick in the struggle for shelf space.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    读报道,按照时间的顺序列出背景新星职业学校学生参与的社会实践活动。(都是小写) Beijing Xinxing Vocational School students participated in a two-week social practice program this summer. During the program students took part in activities such as sales training, video and poster production, and selling environmentally-friendly bags. The twenty-one students, mainly first-year and third-year, were divided into three teams to sell the bags. They also joined in pre-sales works, like designing sales plans after training. The whole process was highly competitive because the students had to try to sell the most bags. One of the teams sold bags to Carefour, one of the biggest supermarket chains in China, while another team signed Pepsi onto their customer list. Li Kai, manager of the company, said cooperation with Beijing Xinxing Vocational School was a big success. “I find my communication skills have been greatly improved and I now realize social experience is really important for us,” said Zhang Ming, a first-year student. “These activities are very useful. I hope we can have more activities like this in the future,” Xu Liyan said. This is the third time that Beijing Xinxing Vocational School has organized such social practice. And it is the second time they have cooperated with Pepsi.bc59bb3c2f0b43770386969abb464664.pngfeeaa57e3a9f3065800642b2b92ce155.png

    读报道,按照时间的顺序列出背景新星职业学校学生参与的社会实践活动。(都是小写) Beijing Xinxing Vocational School students participated in a two-week social practice program this summer. During the program students took part in activities such as sales training, video and poster production, and selling environmentally-friendly bags. The twenty-one students, mainly first-year and third-year, were divided into three teams to sell the bags. They also joined in pre-sales works, like designing sales plans after training. The whole process was highly competitive because the students had to try to sell the most bags. One of the teams sold bags to Carefour, one of the biggest supermarket chains in China, while another team signed Pepsi onto their customer list. Li Kai, manager of the company, said cooperation with Beijing Xinxing Vocational School was a big success. “I find my communication skills have been greatly improved and I now realize social experience is really important for us,” said Zhang Ming, a first-year student. “These activities are very useful. I hope we can have more activities like this in the future,” Xu Liyan said. This is the third time that Beijing Xinxing Vocational School has organized such social practice. And it is the second time they have cooperated with Pepsi.bc59bb3c2f0b43770386969abb464664.pngfeeaa57e3a9f3065800642b2b92ce155.png

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