An economic crisis often signifies a shrinking or negative economic growth.
An economic crisis often signifies a shrinking or negative economic growth.
Carsaleshavebeen_______recently. A: shrinking B: recovering C: acknowledge D: reserve
Carsaleshavebeen_______recently. A: shrinking B: recovering C: acknowledge D: reserve
The market for their products is ________. A: shrink B: shrank C: shrunk D: shrinking
The market for their products is ________. A: shrink B: shrank C: shrunk D: shrinking
What does the author say about the shrinking spending of international tourists in the U.S.?
What does the author say about the shrinking spending of international tourists in the U.S.?
George has a very good mind. He would rise fast in the world if he weren’t such a shrinking violet. 中violet 本来是谦虚的象征,代表”腼腆的人“,但加上shrinking意思就有了变化,表示畏首畏尾的人。( )
George has a very good mind. He would rise fast in the world if he weren’t such a shrinking violet. 中violet 本来是谦虚的象征,代表”腼腆的人“,但加上shrinking意思就有了变化,表示畏首畏尾的人。( )
3. Knowing the proper way to will help you avoid shrinking your sweaters and your white socks pink.(laundry)
3. Knowing the proper way to will help you avoid shrinking your sweaters and your white socks pink.(laundry)
Surgical weight loss can be achieved by shrinking which organ A: live B: enal C: stomach D: esophagus
Surgical weight loss can be achieved by shrinking which organ A: live B: enal C: stomach D: esophagus
Purpose of the project: _______. Countries to initiate the project: _______. Cause of the shrinking: _______. Specific measures: _______. Duration of the project: _______. Cost of the project: _______. Message sent by this project: _______.
Purpose of the project: _______. Countries to initiate the project: _______. Cause of the shrinking: _______. Specific measures: _______. Duration of the project: _______. Cost of the project: _______. Message sent by this project: _______.
Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21st century and their _______ birth rates have also posed problems.
Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21st century and their _______ birth rates have also posed problems.
While a _______ amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you. A: chronic B: moderate C: shrinking D: substantial
While a _______ amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you. A: chronic B: moderate C: shrinking D: substantial