• 2021-04-14 问题

    peptides and most amino acids are actively transported into cell by a sodium co-transport strategy.

    peptides and most amino acids are actively transported into cell by a sodium co-transport strategy.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    intestinal cells absorb aa and peptides. these cells finish splitting peptides into individual aa.

    intestinal cells absorb aa and peptides. these cells finish splitting peptides into individual aa.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Which of the following would NOT be a function of MHC I? A: display peptides derived from turnover of a cell’s own proteins B: down-regulate the activity of NK cells C: in cross presentation, display pathogenic peptides acquired by phagocytosis D: signal that a red blood cell is old and should be removed and recycled E: bind CD8 when the cell interacts with a Tc cell

    Which of the following would NOT be a function of MHC I? A: display peptides derived from turnover of a cell’s own proteins B: down-regulate the activity of NK cells C: in cross presentation, display pathogenic peptides acquired by phagocytosis D: signal that a red blood cell is old and should be removed and recycled E: bind CD8 when the cell interacts with a Tc cell

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    Which of the following occurs in the small intestine? A: The first stage of starch breakdown B: The initial breakdown of proteins into peptides C: Fat absorption D: Vitamins production by bacteria

    Which of the following occurs in the small intestine? A: The first stage of starch breakdown B: The initial breakdown of proteins into peptides C: Fat absorption D: Vitamins production by bacteria

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    关于摄食行为调节,以下说法错误的是 A: 瘦素由脂肪细胞分泌,作用于下丘脑调节摄食 B: 瘦素减少,下丘脑外侧区分泌orexigenic peptides促进摄食 C: 瘦素增加,下丘脑外侧区分泌anorectic peptides抑制摄食 D: 下丘脑弓状核、室旁核及下丘脑外侧区间局部神经回路在调节摄食行为中发挥关键作用。

    关于摄食行为调节,以下说法错误的是 A: 瘦素由脂肪细胞分泌,作用于下丘脑调节摄食 B: 瘦素减少,下丘脑外侧区分泌orexigenic peptides促进摄食 C: 瘦素增加,下丘脑外侧区分泌anorectic peptides抑制摄食 D: 下丘脑弓状核、室旁核及下丘脑外侧区间局部神经回路在调节摄食行为中发挥关键作用。

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    Immature thymocytes (DN developing T cells) share what surface proteins with germ cells <br/>and neural crest cells? A: the C-Kit receptor B: class II MHC molecules C: B7 D: the cytoplasmic signaling peptides (ζ, ε, etc.) of the CD3 E: CD8 and CD4

    Immature thymocytes (DN developing T cells) share what surface proteins with germ cells <br/>and neural crest cells? A: the C-Kit receptor B: class II MHC molecules C: B7 D: the cytoplasmic signaling peptides (ζ, ε, etc.) of the CD3 E: CD8 and CD4

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    The correct descriptions about peptide are A: A compound formed of two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds. B: The amino acids that make up the peptides are residues. C: The peptide chain has amino terminus and carboxyl terminus. D: Oligopeptides less than 10 amino acids don’t have function.

    The correct descriptions about peptide are A: A compound formed of two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds. B: The amino acids that make up the peptides are residues. C: The peptide chain has amino terminus and carboxyl terminus. D: Oligopeptides less than 10 amino acids don’t have function.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Which of the following is least likely to be associated with an increase in the inflammatory <br/>response? A: necrosis of cells, followed by phagocytosis of neutrophils B: release of peptides curing cleavage of fibrinogen to fibrin (blood clotting) C: cleavage of C5 during complement activation D: apoptosis of surplus healthy cells E: secretion of IFNγ by macrophages and TH cells

    Which of the following is least likely to be associated with an increase in the inflammatory <br/>response? A: necrosis of cells, followed by phagocytosis of neutrophils B: release of peptides curing cleavage of fibrinogen to fibrin (blood clotting) C: cleavage of C5 during complement activation D: apoptosis of surplus healthy cells E: secretion of IFNγ by macrophages and TH cells

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