In paraffin section preparation, which of the following chemical reagents is used in the process of dehydration? A: Fixatives B: Ethanol C: Xylene D: Paraffin
In paraffin section preparation, which of the following chemical reagents is used in the process of dehydration? A: Fixatives B: Ethanol C: Xylene D: Paraffin
【单选题】用来增加油性基质吸水性的物质是( ) A: paraffin B: 二甲基硅油 C: 硬脂醇 D: soft paraffin E: wool fat
【单选题】用来增加油性基质吸水性的物质是( ) A: paraffin B: 二甲基硅油 C: 硬脂醇 D: soft paraffin E: wool fat
10. What does he cook on? A: A gas stove. B: A paraffin stove. C: An electric stove.
10. What does he cook on? A: A gas stove. B: A paraffin stove. C: An electric stove.
What does he cook on? A: A gas stove. B: A paraffin stove. C: An electric stove. D: A water stove.
What does he cook on? A: A gas stove. B: A paraffin stove. C: An electric stove. D: A water stove.
名词:原油,a mineral oil obtained from below the surface of the Earth, and used to produce pertrol , paraffin , and various chemical substance._________________.
名词:原油,a mineral oil obtained from below the surface of the Earth, and used to produce pertrol , paraffin , and various chemical substance._________________.
Which one is the most commonly used() A: paraffin section B: frozen section C: ground section D: smear E: stretched preparation
Which one is the most commonly used() A: paraffin section B: frozen section C: ground section D: smear E: stretched preparation
n. mineral oil that is found under the ground or the sea and is used to produce petrol/gas, paraffin, diesel oil, etc.. A: opponent B: nitrogen C: petroleum D: masterpiece
n. mineral oil that is found under the ground or the sea and is used to produce petrol/gas, paraffin, diesel oil, etc.. A: opponent B: nitrogen C: petroleum D: masterpiece
不属于软膏剂油脂性基质的是 未知类型:{'options': ['Sodium lauryl sulfate', '\xa0Liquid Paraffin\xa0', '\xa0Wool fat\xa0\xa0', 'Beeswax', '\xa0 Vaselin'], 'type': 102}
不属于软膏剂油脂性基质的是 未知类型:{'options': ['Sodium lauryl sulfate', '\xa0Liquid Paraffin\xa0', '\xa0Wool fat\xa0\xa0', 'Beeswax', '\xa0 Vaselin'], 'type': 102}
【单选题】下列关于软膏基质的叙述中错误的是( ) A: soft paraffin中加入羊毛脂可增加吸水性 B: 液体石蜡主要用于调节软膏稠度 C: 乳剂型基质中因含有表面活性剂,对药物的释放和穿透均较油质性基质差 D: 基质不仅作为药物载体,对药物释放影响也很大 E: 水溶性基质能吸收组织渗出液,释放药物较快,无刺激
【单选题】下列关于软膏基质的叙述中错误的是( ) A: soft paraffin中加入羊毛脂可增加吸水性 B: 液体石蜡主要用于调节软膏稠度 C: 乳剂型基质中因含有表面活性剂,对药物的释放和穿透均较油质性基质差 D: 基质不仅作为药物载体,对药物释放影响也很大 E: 水溶性基质能吸收组织渗出液,释放药物较快,无刺激