Canberra is a picturesque city on the banks of ( ).
Canberra is a picturesque city on the banks of ( ).
I have been to Huangshan. It is one of the most picturesque places.
I have been to Huangshan. It is one of the most picturesque places.
The word to describe a beautiful place is _________. A: awful B: picture C: depictive D: picturesque
The word to describe a beautiful place is _________. A: awful B: picture C: depictive D: picturesque
Which ancient town does not represent the picturesque scenery of water towns in the Yangtze river basin.( )
Which ancient town does not represent the picturesque scenery of water towns in the Yangtze river basin.( )
You can use ______ to describe a beautiful place?( ) A: lovely B: beautiful C: scenic D: picturesque
You can use ______ to describe a beautiful place?( ) A: lovely B: beautiful C: scenic D: picturesque
18世纪在英国出现的如画式园林(picturesque garden)是对抗哪种园林美学?
18世纪在英国出现的如画式园林(picturesque garden)是对抗哪种园林美学?
A( )place or society is full of people from many different countries and cultures. A: vibrant B: cosmopolitan C: picturesque D: fascinating
A( )place or society is full of people from many different countries and cultures. A: vibrant B: cosmopolitan C: picturesque D: fascinating
下列选项中不含/k/这个音的是哪一个单词? A: picturesque B: knight C: exercise D: school
下列选项中不含/k/这个音的是哪一个单词? A: picturesque B: knight C: exercise D: school
The<br/>place where the story takes place is described as ____. A: a modern metropolis B: a corrupted big city C: a provincial town D: a picturesque rural country
The<br/>place where the story takes place is described as ____. A: a modern metropolis B: a corrupted big city C: a provincial town D: a picturesque rural country
下面哪一组词是上位词和下位词的关系? A: strange & irregular B: steep & bold C: fine & picturesque D: beauty with utility & full of rocks and promonotories
下面哪一组词是上位词和下位词的关系? A: strange & irregular B: steep & bold C: fine & picturesque D: beauty with utility & full of rocks and promonotories