• 2022-05-28 问题

    Whom does Demeter teach the art of agriculture? ( )。 A: Heracles B: Aeneas C: Triptolemus D: Nyx

    Whom does Demeter teach the art of agriculture? ( )。 A: Heracles B: Aeneas C: Triptolemus D: Nyx

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The Aeneid tells the story of Aeneas who fled his native city Troy after the Trojan War, wandered to ____ and founded ____.

    The Aeneid tells the story of Aeneas who fled his native city Troy after the Trojan War, wandered to ____ and founded ____.

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Modeled after Homer's liad and Odyssey, the Aeneid told the heroic story of Aeneas, the son of a Trojan prince and the goddess Aphrodite, Roman name Venus.

    Modeled after Homer's liad and Odyssey, the Aeneid told the heroic story of Aeneas, the son of a Trojan prince and the goddess Aphrodite, Roman name Venus.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Directions: Each of the following statements contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. (请写出对应段落的阿拉伯数字序号)________① Yilu Zhao longed for the western culture that is different, mysterious and thus alluring._______ ② Aeneas’ present life is separated by the past and the future.________③ She was in the bright light of the library in the early hours of the morning .________④ By the time I missed home so much that I couldn’t help thinking about soup dumplings and sautéed eels as I read.________⑤ My mother urged me to take science like Chinese students traditionally did.________⑥ Their words were uninteresting, and their discussions were difficult to understand.________⑦ I made up for my lack of preparation with diligence.________⑧ I lingered after class to ask questions and learned note-taking in English from my classmates.________⑨ Learning humanities was secure repetition in China, but it was shaky originality here.________⑩ I often waited for the professor to give his/her answer at the end of the class, which I regarded as the only true answer, but professors at Yale never did that.

    Directions: Each of the following statements contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. (请写出对应段落的阿拉伯数字序号)________① Yilu Zhao longed for the western culture that is different, mysterious and thus alluring._______ ② Aeneas’ present life is separated by the past and the future.________③ She was in the bright light of the library in the early hours of the morning .________④ By the time I missed home so much that I couldn’t help thinking about soup dumplings and sautéed eels as I read.________⑤ My mother urged me to take science like Chinese students traditionally did.________⑥ Their words were uninteresting, and their discussions were difficult to understand.________⑦ I made up for my lack of preparation with diligence.________⑧ I lingered after class to ask questions and learned note-taking in English from my classmates.________⑨ Learning humanities was secure repetition in China, but it was shaky originality here.________⑩ I often waited for the professor to give his/her answer at the end of the class, which I regarded as the only true answer, but professors at Yale never did that.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Directions: Each of the following statements contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. (请写出对应段落的阿拉伯数字序号)(为了保持文章的整体性,没有把题干单独分开。建议把所有的答案全部先写下来,再输入到电脑上,避免上滑下滑!)________① Yilu Zhao longed for the western culture that is different, mysterious and thus alluring._______ ② Aeneas’ present life is separated by the past and the future.________③ She was in the bright light of the library in the early hours of the morning .________④ By the time I missed home so much that I couldn’t help thinking about soup dumplings and sautéed eels as I read.________⑤ My mother urged me to take science like Chinese students traditionally did.________⑥ Their words were uninteresting, and their discussions were difficult to understand.________⑦ I made up for my lack of preparation with diligence.________⑧ I lingered after class to ask questions and learned note-taking in English from my classmates.________⑨ Learning humanities was secure repetition in China, but it was shaky originality here.________⑩ I often waited for the professor to give his/her answer at the end of the class, which I regarded as the only true answer, but professors at Yale never did that.

    Directions: Each of the following statements contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. (请写出对应段落的阿拉伯数字序号)(为了保持文章的整体性,没有把题干单独分开。建议把所有的答案全部先写下来,再输入到电脑上,避免上滑下滑!)________① Yilu Zhao longed for the western culture that is different, mysterious and thus alluring._______ ② Aeneas’ present life is separated by the past and the future.________③ She was in the bright light of the library in the early hours of the morning .________④ By the time I missed home so much that I couldn’t help thinking about soup dumplings and sautéed eels as I read.________⑤ My mother urged me to take science like Chinese students traditionally did.________⑥ Their words were uninteresting, and their discussions were difficult to understand.________⑦ I made up for my lack of preparation with diligence.________⑧ I lingered after class to ask questions and learned note-taking in English from my classmates.________⑨ Learning humanities was secure repetition in China, but it was shaky originality here.________⑩ I often waited for the professor to give his/her answer at the end of the class, which I regarded as the only true answer, but professors at Yale never did that.

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