The acculturation theory originated in the late 1970s and was put forward by ______. A: J.Schumann and R.Anderson B: S.Krashen and J.Schumann C: R.Anderson and E.Hatch D: S.Krashen and E.Hatch
The acculturation theory originated in the late 1970s and was put forward by ______. A: J.Schumann and R.Anderson B: S.Krashen and J.Schumann C: R.Anderson and E.Hatch D: S.Krashen and E.Hatch
______ first used the term "communicative competence" in deliberate contrast to Chomsky's "linguistic competence". A: Stern B: B. Asher C: Krashen D: D. Hymes
______ first used the term "communicative competence" in deliberate contrast to Chomsky's "linguistic competence". A: Stern B: B. Asher C: Krashen D: D. Hymes
Krashen认为 是二语习得的必要条件。
Krashen认为 是二语习得的必要条件。
Krashen认为 是获得语言知识的唯一方式。
Krashen认为 是获得语言知识的唯一方式。
Krashen认为 是获得语言知识的唯一方式。
Krashen认为 是获得语言知识的唯一方式。
Krashen认为 是二语习得的必要条件。
Krashen认为 是二语习得的必要条件。
语言输出假说是 80年代中期加拿大第二语言习得与学习研究者克拉申(S.Krashen)提出的
语言输出假说是 80年代中期加拿大第二语言习得与学习研究者克拉申(S.Krashen)提出的
According to Krashen, ________ and ________ were two independent means or routes of second language learning.
According to Krashen, ________ and ________ were two independent means or routes of second language learning.
Krashen believes that adults are better language learners, while children are better language acquirers.()
Krashen believes that adults are better language learners, while children are better language acquirers.()