进入Word 2003后,打开了一个已存在的文档Word1. doc,又进行了“新建”操作,则______。 A: Word1. doc被关闭 B: Word1. doc和新建文档均处于打开状态 C: “新建”操作失败 D: 新建文档被打开,但Word1. doc被关闭
进入Word 2003后,打开了一个已存在的文档Word1. doc,又进行了“新建”操作,则______。 A: Word1. doc被关闭 B: Word1. doc和新建文档均处于打开状态 C: “新建”操作失败 D: 新建文档被打开,但Word1. doc被关闭
若将单词保存于word中,可实现使用字典counts统计单词出现次数的代码是() A: counts[word]+=1 B: counts[word]=1 C: counts[word]=counts.get(word,1)+1 D: counts[word]=counts.get(word,0)+1
若将单词保存于word中,可实现使用字典counts统计单词出现次数的代码是() A: counts[word]+=1 B: counts[word]=1 C: counts[word]=counts.get(word,1)+1 D: counts[word]=counts.get(word,0)+1
【单选题】假设要统计一段英文每个单词出现的次数,可以使用一个字典类型 counts={},统计单词出现的次数可采用以下代码() A. counts[word] = count[word] + 1 B. counts[word] = count.get(word,0) + 1 C. counts[word] = 1 D. C. counts[word] = count.get(word,1) + 1
【单选题】假设要统计一段英文每个单词出现的次数,可以使用一个字典类型 counts={},统计单词出现的次数可采用以下代码() A. counts[word] = count[word] + 1 B. counts[word] = count.get(word,0) + 1 C. counts[word] = 1 D. C. counts[word] = count.get(word,1) + 1
Link a word in Group 1 to a word in Group 2 to make a compound word or phrase.
Link a word in Group 1 to a word in Group 2 to make a compound word or phrase.
Working with words-1 Link a word in Group 1 to a word in Group 2 to make a compound word or phrase.
Working with words-1 Link a word in Group 1 to a word in Group 2 to make a compound word or phrase.
Task 1 Match the word with its definition. Match the word with its definition.
Task 1 Match the word with its definition. Match the word with its definition.
Match the following meanings with each new word1. budget A: force somebody to do something B: to plan an amount of something C: the greater number or part of something D: to adapt, as to a new environment
Match the following meanings with each new word1. budget A: force somebody to do something B: to plan an amount of something C: the greater number or part of something D: to adapt, as to a new environment
Match the following meanings with each new word1. finance A: Any general or unspecified objects B: The activity of managing money C: Have great respect or high regard for D: The state or quality of being humble
Match the following meanings with each new word1. finance A: Any general or unspecified objects B: The activity of managing money C: Have great respect or high regard for D: The state or quality of being humble
刚启动Word后,系统默认的文档名字是( )。 A: Word B: Book1 C: 文档1 D: 文稿1
刚启动Word后,系统默认的文档名字是( )。 A: Word B: Book1 C: 文档1 D: 文稿1