洛克克风格Rococo Style
洛克克风格Rococo Style
Which one of the following paintings does NOT belong to Rococo style?
Which one of the following paintings does NOT belong to Rococo style?
Baroque and Rococo costumes worn by the nobles and royalty were slack and casual. ( )
Baroque and Rococo costumes worn by the nobles and royalty were slack and casual. ( )
Compared with Rococo styles, Baroque styles tend to be much softer and lighter.
Compared with Rococo styles, Baroque styles tend to be much softer and lighter.
洛可可(Rococo)一词由法语 和意大利语巴洛克合并而来的名词
洛可可(Rococo)一词由法语 和意大利语巴洛克合并而来的名词
Rococo art evolved from the background of the Gothic. It strove after a gorgeous, exquisite and cumbersome decorative style.
Rococo art evolved from the background of the Gothic. It strove after a gorgeous, exquisite and cumbersome decorative style.
Whichones of these are names of western architectural styles? A: Baroque B: Rococo C: Art Deco D: Renaissance
Whichones of these are names of western architectural styles? A: Baroque B: Rococo C: Art Deco D: Renaissance
Rococo did not develop a new style of architecture. Strictly speaking, it is not an architectural style, but more as an interior decoration art.( )
Rococo did not develop a new style of architecture. Strictly speaking, it is not an architectural style, but more as an interior decoration art.( )
Rococo buildings have elaborate decorative elements and a taste for __________. A: arrangement B: asymmetry C: property D: symmetry
Rococo buildings have elaborate decorative elements and a taste for __________. A: arrangement B: asymmetry C: property D: symmetry
洛可可艺术(Rococo),是 世纪产生于法国、遍及欧洲的一种艺术形式或艺术风格
洛可可艺术(Rococo),是 世纪产生于法国、遍及欧洲的一种艺术形式或艺术风格