• 2022-06-05 问题

    Which of the following are insect appendages? A: antennae B: mouthparts C: legs D: External genitalia

    Which of the following are insect appendages? A: antennae B: mouthparts C: legs D: External genitalia

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    以下翻译正确的是(不要求直译,意思正确即可) A: uniramous appendages 无毛的附肢 B: Both types of metamorphosis are hormonally controlled.这两种类型的变态发育均受到激素控制 C: Myriapoda have a head followed by a series of trunk segments.多足动物亚门具有一个头部和多节躯干部。 D: harvestmen (order Opiliones) 捕食者(盲蛛目)

    以下翻译正确的是(不要求直译,意思正确即可) A: uniramous appendages 无毛的附肢 B: Both types of metamorphosis are hormonally controlled.这两种类型的变态发育均受到激素控制 C: Myriapoda have a head followed by a series of trunk segments.多足动物亚门具有一个头部和多节躯干部。 D: harvestmen (order Opiliones) 捕食者(盲蛛目)

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