• 2022-05-29 问题

    A 50-years-old man complains of swelling of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint accompanied by redness, swelling, heat and pain. He has no history of trauma and infection. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A: Rheumatic fever B: Gouty arthritis C: Tenosynovitis D: Bursitis E: Osteoarthritis

    A 50-years-old man complains of swelling of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint accompanied by redness, swelling, heat and pain. He has no history of trauma and infection. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A: Rheumatic fever B: Gouty arthritis C: Tenosynovitis D: Bursitis E: Osteoarthritis

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    A 21 year old presents to your office after injuring her knee in a soccer game. She states that the knee clicks when she walks and has “locked” on several occasions.On exam there is an effusion and the knee is grossly stable. The most likely diagnosis is:(B) A: Anterior cruciate ligament tear B: Osteoarthritis C: Meniscal tear D: Bursitis

    A 21 year old presents to your office after injuring her knee in a soccer game. She states that the knee clicks when she walks and has “locked” on several occasions.On exam there is an effusion and the knee is grossly stable. The most likely diagnosis is:(B) A: Anterior cruciate ligament tear B: Osteoarthritis C: Meniscal tear D: Bursitis

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    A 21 year old presents to your office after injuring her knee in a<br/>soccer game. She states that the knee clicks when she walks and has<br/>“locked” on several occasions. On exam there is an<br/>effusion and the knee is grossly stable. The most likely diagnosis is<br/>( ) A: Anterior cruciate ligament tear B: Meniscal tear C: Osteoarthritis D: Bursitis E: Medial collateral ligament tear

    A 21 year old presents to your office after injuring her knee in a<br/>soccer game. She states that the knee clicks when she walks and has<br/>“locked” on several occasions. On exam there is an<br/>effusion and the knee is grossly stable. The most likely diagnosis is<br/>( ) A: Anterior cruciate ligament tear B: Meniscal tear C: Osteoarthritis D: Bursitis E: Medial collateral ligament tear

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    A<br/>19-year-old man had repeated left ankle swelling and pain for 1<br/>year.He also said that he had back pain and a sense of low back<br/>stiffness in the past 2 years.These symptoms were severe at night,<br/>aggravated after sitting for a long time, and relieved after<br/>exercise.Laboratory test show HLA-B27 (+).what is his most possible<br/>disease? ____ A: Rheumatoid<br/>arthritis B: Gout C: Ankylosing<br/>spondylitis D: Osteoarthritis E: Infectious<br/>arthritis

    A<br/>19-year-old man had repeated left ankle swelling and pain for 1<br/>year.He also said that he had back pain and a sense of low back<br/>stiffness in the past 2 years.These symptoms were severe at night,<br/>aggravated after sitting for a long time, and relieved after<br/>exercise.Laboratory test show HLA-B27 (+).what is his most possible<br/>disease? ____ A: Rheumatoid<br/>arthritis B: Gout C: Ankylosing<br/>spondylitis D: Osteoarthritis E: Infectious<br/>arthritis

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