• 2021-04-14 问题

    耙吸挖泥船所用的IHC耙头属于( )耙头

    耙吸挖泥船所用的IHC耙头属于( )耙头

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    ( )最具特色的就是各种形式的,针对不同人群的培训课程。 A: CPD B: HIC C: IHC D: CIH

    ( )最具特色的就是各种形式的,针对不同人群的培训课程。 A: CPD B: HIC C: IHC D: CIH

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    从核酸水平进行分子诊断的技术有() A: 液相芯片 B: NGS C: IHC D: FISH E: Sanger测序

    从核酸水平进行分子诊断的技术有() A: 液相芯片 B: NGS C: IHC D: FISH E: Sanger测序

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    关于耳蜗毛细胞描述不正确的是 A: 外毛细胞相对细长,呈圆柱形 B: 从顶面观察外毛细胞纤毛呈浅弧形 C: 内毛细胞呈烧瓶状 D: 内毛细胞的英文缩写是IHC

    关于耳蜗毛细胞描述不正确的是 A: 外毛细胞相对细长,呈圆柱形 B: 从顶面观察外毛细胞纤毛呈浅弧形 C: 内毛细胞呈烧瓶状 D: 内毛细胞的英文缩写是IHC

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    由中交上航局投资,振华重工及荷兰IHC公司设计,上海振华启东船厂建造的( )耙吸挖泥船——“航浚6008”、“航浚6009”轮在江苏启东正式交付,填补了我国设计建造“智能型”自航耙吸挖泥船的空白。

    由中交上航局投资,振华重工及荷兰IHC公司设计,上海振华启东船厂建造的( )耙吸挖泥船——“航浚6008”、“航浚6009”轮在江苏启东正式交付,填补了我国设计建造“智能型”自航耙吸挖泥船的空白。

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    You know my name is Li Lei. Look at the black car. It’s my father’s car. My father is hehind Ihc car. The woman in a blue coat is my mother. She is in the car. The girl in a red hat is my sister. She is in the car. too. Her name is Meimel. She has a cai. The cat is white. It’s in the car. I ts name is Mimi. It is very nice. Li Lei’s mothcr’s coat is ______ A: white B: red C blue

    You know my name is Li Lei. Look at the black car. It’s my father’s car. My father is hehind Ihc car. The woman in a blue coat is my mother. She is in the car. The girl in a red hat is my sister. She is in the car. too. Her name is Meimel. She has a cai. The cat is white. It’s in the car. I ts name is Mimi. It is very nice. Li Lei’s mothcr’s coat is ______ A: white B: red C blue

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