• 2022-05-31 问题

    One’s body language is often overestimated at the presentation.

    One’s body language is often overestimated at the presentation.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    While many students felt _____ in face of the challenge, he chose to rise to it. A: overcharged B: overwhelmed C: overestimated D: overslept

    While many students felt _____ in face of the challenge, he chose to rise to it. A: overcharged B: overwhelmed C: overestimated D: overslept

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The cost of living in Liberia, West Africa, has ______ in the past five years because of the internal conflicts. A: skyrocketed B: outer-spaced C: overestimated D: under-questioned

    The cost of living in Liberia, West Africa, has ______ in the past five years because of the internal conflicts. A: skyrocketed B: outer-spaced C: overestimated D: under-questioned

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    Although scientists have______long the human appendix as______organ, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that the appendix does in fact have a significant function as a part of the body's immune system.() A: overestimated … a minor B: discounted … a vestigial C: valued … a major D: ignored … a pivotal E: studied … an inaccessible

    Although scientists have______long the human appendix as______organ, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that the appendix does in fact have a significant function as a part of the body's immune system.() A: overestimated … a minor B: discounted … a vestigial C: valued … a major D: ignored … a pivotal E: studied … an inaccessible

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    Although scientists have______long the human appendix as______organ, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that the appendix does in fact have a significant function as a part of the body’s immune system. A: (A) overestimated … a minor B: (B) discounted … a vestigial C: (C) valued … a major D: (D) ignored … a pivotal E: (E) studied … an inaccessible

    Although scientists have______long the human appendix as______organ, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that the appendix does in fact have a significant function as a part of the body’s immune system. A: (A) overestimated … a minor B: (B) discounted … a vestigial C: (C) valued … a major D: (D) ignored … a pivotal E: (E) studied … an inaccessible

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    1. 他的不合作态度使这个项目进展十分缓慢。______ A: The project is making slow progress due to his lack of cooperation.B: His uncooperative attitude accounted for the slow progress of the project.2. 该航空公司最感到头痛的问题是,飞行燃料价格几乎不停地上涨,仅在6月至9月间,就上涨了23%。______ A: The biggest headache to the airline is the sharp increase in the price of aviation fuel. The period between June and September witnessed an increase of 23%.B: The airline’s gravest headache is the sharp increase in the price of aviation fuel, which went up by 23% just between June and September.3. 20世纪50年代,随着电视机进入越来越多的家庭,人们从此可以得到电视机所提供的免费娱乐,电影院因此遭受重创。______ A: The 1950s witnessed the crash of the movie theater industry as television sets were admitted into more and more homes providing free entertainment.B: In the 1950s, movie theaters suffered a crippling blow when television sets made their way into more and more homes, offering entertainment at no charge.4. 广州近几年来发生了巨变。______ A: There have been great changes in Guangzhou these years.B: Great changes have taken place in Guangzhou these years.5. 我们相信,政府一定会支持这个项目。______ A: We are convinced that the government will be behind this project.B: We believe that the project will surely be supported by the government.6. 食在新疆。______ A: Xinjiang, a paradise for eating.B: East or west, Xinjiang cuisine is the best.7. 调查表明,伴随国家消费信贷的稳步推行,上海城乡居民的电冰箱需求量还逐步增大。______ A: Surveys suggest that with the steady implementation of consumer credit policy, the demand for refrigerators will grow among urban and rural residents in Shanghai.B: Surveys suggest that with the steady implementation of consumer credit policy, the refrigerators will be in greater demand among urban and rural residents in Shanghai.8. 中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。______ A: The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threat to any country.B: A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any country/any other countries.9. 由于中国实行正确的政策,在中国的大部分合资企业都盈利,有些可能不盈不亏,而几乎没有一家是亏本的。______ A: As a result of China’s enforcement of a correct policy, most joint ventures in China are making a profit; some may break even, while practically no firm is suffering a loss. B: Owing to China’s carrying out a correct policy, most joint ventures in China are making a profit; some of them may post neither a profit nor a loss, while almost no one is suffering a loss.10. 有些经济学家说,温和的通货膨胀对一个国家的经济是好的,甚至是必须的;但也有一些经济学家认为,通货膨胀的意义不能过分估计。______ A: Some economists say that warm inflation is a good thing, or even a necessity, for a country’s economy; but there are also economists who think the significance of inflation cannot be overestimated.B: Some economists say that mild inflation is good, or even necessary, for a country’s economy; but some others think the significance of inflation should not be overestimated.

    1. 他的不合作态度使这个项目进展十分缓慢。______ A: The project is making slow progress due to his lack of cooperation.B: His uncooperative attitude accounted for the slow progress of the project.2. 该航空公司最感到头痛的问题是,飞行燃料价格几乎不停地上涨,仅在6月至9月间,就上涨了23%。______ A: The biggest headache to the airline is the sharp increase in the price of aviation fuel. The period between June and September witnessed an increase of 23%.B: The airline’s gravest headache is the sharp increase in the price of aviation fuel, which went up by 23% just between June and September.3. 20世纪50年代,随着电视机进入越来越多的家庭,人们从此可以得到电视机所提供的免费娱乐,电影院因此遭受重创。______ A: The 1950s witnessed the crash of the movie theater industry as television sets were admitted into more and more homes providing free entertainment.B: In the 1950s, movie theaters suffered a crippling blow when television sets made their way into more and more homes, offering entertainment at no charge.4. 广州近几年来发生了巨变。______ A: There have been great changes in Guangzhou these years.B: Great changes have taken place in Guangzhou these years.5. 我们相信,政府一定会支持这个项目。______ A: We are convinced that the government will be behind this project.B: We believe that the project will surely be supported by the government.6. 食在新疆。______ A: Xinjiang, a paradise for eating.B: East or west, Xinjiang cuisine is the best.7. 调查表明,伴随国家消费信贷的稳步推行,上海城乡居民的电冰箱需求量还逐步增大。______ A: Surveys suggest that with the steady implementation of consumer credit policy, the demand for refrigerators will grow among urban and rural residents in Shanghai.B: Surveys suggest that with the steady implementation of consumer credit policy, the refrigerators will be in greater demand among urban and rural residents in Shanghai.8. 中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。______ A: The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threat to any country.B: A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any country/any other countries.9. 由于中国实行正确的政策,在中国的大部分合资企业都盈利,有些可能不盈不亏,而几乎没有一家是亏本的。______ A: As a result of China’s enforcement of a correct policy, most joint ventures in China are making a profit; some may break even, while practically no firm is suffering a loss. B: Owing to China’s carrying out a correct policy, most joint ventures in China are making a profit; some of them may post neither a profit nor a loss, while almost no one is suffering a loss.10. 有些经济学家说,温和的通货膨胀对一个国家的经济是好的,甚至是必须的;但也有一些经济学家认为,通货膨胀的意义不能过分估计。______ A: Some economists say that warm inflation is a good thing, or even a necessity, for a country’s economy; but there are also economists who think the significance of inflation cannot be overestimated.B: Some economists say that mild inflation is good, or even necessary, for a country’s economy; but some others think the significance of inflation should not be overestimated.

  • 2022-05-28 问题



  • 2022-06-14 问题

    设A{a,b},则P(A)×A = (   )。 A: A B: P(A) C: {<Φ,a>,<Φ,b>,<{a},a>,<{a},b>,<{b},a>,<{b},b>,<A,a>,<A,b>} D: {<a,,Φ,>,<b,,Φ,>,<a,{a}>,<b,{a}>,<a,{b}>,<b,{b}>,<a,A>,<b,A>}

    设A{a,b},则P(A)×A = (   )。 A: A B: P(A) C: {<Φ,a>,<Φ,b>,<{a},a>,<{a},b>,<{b},a>,<{b},b>,<A,a>,<A,b>} D: {<a,,Φ,>,<b,,Φ,>,<a,{a}>,<b,{a}>,<a,{b}>,<b,{b}>,<a,A>,<b,A>}

  • 2022-07-01 问题

    以下哪段代码可以将A,B的值互换() A: A=A^B; B=A^B;A=A^B B: A= A^B;A=A^B;B=A^B C: B= A^B; B=A^B; A=A^B D: B=A^B; A= A^B; A= A^B

    以下哪段代码可以将A,B的值互换() A: A=A^B; B=A^B;A=A^B B: A= A^B;A=A^B;B=A^B C: B= A^B; B=A^B; A=A^B D: B=A^B; A= A^B; A= A^B

  • 2022-07-01 问题

    若集合A={a,b},B={ a,b,{ a,b }},则()。 A: A⊆B,且A∈B B: A∈B,且B⊆A C: A⊈B,且A∉B D: A∉B,且A⊈B

    若集合A={a,b},B={ a,b,{ a,b }},则()。 A: A⊆B,且A∈B B: A∈B,且B⊆A C: A⊈B,且A∉B D: A∉B,且A⊈B

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10