• 2021-04-14 问题

    Americano is the base for making other varieties of coffee drinks._

    Americano is the base for making other varieties of coffee drinks._

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Espresso表面的金色油脂称作 A: Crema B: Coffee C: Americano D: Flat White

    Espresso表面的金色油脂称作 A: Crema B: Coffee C: Americano D: Flat White

  • 2022-07-27 问题

    ​下面定冠词与名词搭配正确的是:‍ A: gli stivali B: l'americano C: la uscita D: le riviste

    ​下面定冠词与名词搭配正确的是:‍ A: gli stivali B: l'americano C: la uscita D: le riviste

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    下列哪款咖啡是盛放于小杯中,但咖啡因浓度比espresso还要高()。 A: Latte B: Caffemocha C: Ristretto D: Americano

    下列哪款咖啡是盛放于小杯中,但咖啡因浓度比espresso还要高()。 A: Latte B: Caffemocha C: Ristretto D: Americano

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    哪一种咖啡包含半杯的咖啡,结合了热牛奶,和少量的奶泡?()。 A: Caffe’Americano B: Caffe’Latte C: Breve D: CafeAuLait

    哪一种咖啡包含半杯的咖啡,结合了热牛奶,和少量的奶泡?()。 A: Caffe’Americano B: Caffe’Latte C: Breve D: CafeAuLait

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    ‍Why can we put the following phrases together?​Espresso Flat white Caffè Latte Cappuccino Caramel Macchiato Americano​‍​ A: Because these are synonyms. B: Because these are hyponyms and super-ordinates. C: Because these are in the same lexical set. D: Because these are umbrella nouns to indicate cohesion.

    ‍Why can we put the following phrases together?​Espresso Flat white Caffè Latte Cappuccino Caramel Macchiato Americano​‍​ A: Because these are synonyms. B: Because these are hyponyms and super-ordinates. C: Because these are in the same lexical set. D: Because these are umbrella nouns to indicate cohesion.

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