• 2022-06-09 问题

    What caused the death of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s first wife Ellen Louisa Tucker? A: Typhoid B: Small Pox C: Pneumonia D: Tuberculosis

    What caused the death of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s first wife Ellen Louisa Tucker? A: Typhoid B: Small Pox C: Pneumonia D: Tuberculosis

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    一般认为,博弈论这门学科始于下列哪两位博弈论专家的工作() A: John Nash与Tucker B: Von Neumann与Morgenstern C: Reinhard Selten与John Harsanyi D: Fudenberg与Tirole

    一般认为,博弈论这门学科始于下列哪两位博弈论专家的工作() A: John Nash与Tucker B: Von Neumann与Morgenstern C: Reinhard Selten与John Harsanyi D: Fudenberg与Tirole

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