• 2022-06-06 问题

    The technique of flattering for men lies in what their sons excel in, while for women in general is their beauty.( )

    The technique of flattering for men lies in what their sons excel in, while for women in general is their beauty.( )

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Most people enjoy ______. A: to flatter B: to be flattered C: flattering D: being flattered

    Most people enjoy ______. A: to flatter B: to be flattered C: flattering D: being flattered

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    When we say your clothes is very flattering, we mean the clothes make you look very attractive.

    When we say your clothes is very flattering, we mean the clothes make you look very attractive.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    A lot of women find black to be a figure flattering color. A: 修身的 B: 令人羡慕的 C: 漂亮的

    A lot of women find black to be a figure flattering color. A: 修身的 B: 令人羡慕的 C: 漂亮的

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    “The movie is none too flattering about South Korean capitalism and inequality, but the award is very flattering to Korean cinema” in Para. 2 means that the movie _________. A: becomes a blockbuster in South Korea B: defends the South Korean capitalism and inequality C: highly praises Korean cinema D: wins best cinema award for South Korea.

    “The movie is none too flattering about South Korean capitalism and inequality, but the award is very flattering to Korean cinema” in Para. 2 means that the movie _________. A: becomes a blockbuster in South Korea B: defends the South Korean capitalism and inequality C: highly praises Korean cinema D: wins best cinema award for South Korea.

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    Dionysius II did not like Damocles because Damocles was a person good at ( ). A: speaking B: playing tricks C: fighting D: flattering

    Dionysius II did not like Damocles because Damocles was a person good at ( ). A: speaking B: playing tricks C: fighting D: flattering

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    Which of the following sentences is Not correct? A: Whenever possible, the children play outside in the fresh air. B: Though no swimmer, Mary splashed about happily in the sea. C: Once over the pass, you will see the town below you. D: While flattering, I must decline to accept.

    Which of the following sentences is Not correct? A: Whenever possible, the children play outside in the fresh air. B: Though no swimmer, Mary splashed about happily in the sea. C: Once over the pass, you will see the town below you. D: While flattering, I must decline to accept.

  • 2022-06-10 问题

    It is dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips. 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请选择正确的翻译。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。 B: 骄傲的心碰上献媚的嘴,是最危险不过的。

    It is dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips. 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请选择正确的翻译。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。 B: 骄傲的心碰上献媚的嘴,是最危险不过的。

  • 2022-06-10 问题

    It is dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips. 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请为下列句子选择恰当的译文。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: 骄傲的心碰上献媚的嘴,是最危险不过的。 B: 吃饭吃米,说话说理。 C: 周围都有好朋友的人,比四面楚歌的人不知幸福多少。

    It is dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips. 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请为下列句子选择恰当的译文。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: 骄傲的心碰上献媚的嘴,是最危险不过的。 B: 吃饭吃米,说话说理。 C: 周围都有好朋友的人,比四面楚歌的人不知幸福多少。

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