• 2022-06-04 问题

    The project will be next month. A: completed B: linked C: lent D: equired

    The project will be next month. A: completed B: linked C: lent D: equired

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    The students gradually ___ some knowledge of the subject at school. A: made B: derived C: acquired D: equired

    The students gradually ___ some knowledge of the subject at school. A: made B: derived C: acquired D: equired

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    With a year’s hard work, he has ________ basic knowledge of English. A: caught B: acquired C: equired D: acknowledged

    With a year’s hard work, he has ________ basic knowledge of English. A: caught B: acquired C: equired D: acknowledged

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    在 HTML5 中,哪个属性用于规定输入字段是必填的? () A: eadonly B: equired C: validat D: placeholde

    在 HTML5 中,哪个属性用于规定输入字段是必填的? () A: eadonly B: equired C: validat D: placeholde

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    在HTML5中,哪个属性用于规定输入字段是必填的? A: eadonly placeholde B: equired C: validate D: placeholde

    在HTML5中,哪个属性用于规定输入字段是必填的? A: eadonly placeholde B: equired C: validate D: placeholde

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    在 HTML5 中, 使用正则表达式验证input输入值需要使用什么属性? A: equired B: value C: check D: pattern

    在 HTML5 中, 使用正则表达式验证input输入值需要使用什么属性? A: equired B: value C: check D: pattern

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    以下属性中用于规定必须在提交之前填写输入字段内容的是( )。 A: equired B: novalidate C: placeholde D: target

    以下属性中用于规定必须在提交之前填写输入字段内容的是( )。 A: equired B: novalidate C: placeholde D: target

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The boy implored his sister not to leave him at home. Question: Which of the following words can best replace the underlined word A: egged B: asked C: equired D: clinched

    The boy implored his sister not to leave him at home. Question: Which of the following words can best replace the underlined word A: egged B: asked C: equired D: clinched

  • 2022-11-03 问题

    以下哪项可以验证在表单中的各元素内容的有效性。( ) A: pattern 属性 B: equired 属性 C: novalidate 属性 D: checkValidity () 方法

    以下哪项可以验证在表单中的各元素内容的有效性。( ) A: pattern 属性 B: equired 属性 C: novalidate 属性 D: checkValidity () 方法

  • 2022-06-17 问题

    在HTML5中,用于指定input输入框中的内容是必须填写的属性是( )。 A: equired属性 B: autofocus属性 C: selected属性 D: checked属性

    在HTML5中,用于指定input输入框中的内容是必须填写的属性是( )。 A: equired属性 B: autofocus属性 C: selected属性 D: checked属性

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