correspondence means letters in the text.
correspondence means letters in the text.
The business correspondence was all _____ in numbered files.
The business correspondence was all _____ in numbered files.
Which of the following parts of business correspondence is optional?
Which of the following parts of business correspondence is optional?
Which of the following has the correct English-Chinese correspondence?
Which of the following has the correct English-Chinese correspondence?
通信,书信往来(n.) A: correspondence B: correspond
通信,书信往来(n.) A: correspondence B: correspond
Which of the following expression of date is not proper in business correspondence?
Which of the following expression of date is not proper in business correspondence?
The following contents are introduced in Business English Correspondence, expect .
The following contents are introduced in Business English Correspondence, expect .
What should be made known in the lists of coast and ship stations? A: the services of the stations open to public correspondence B: the information on charging C: what kind of the public correspondence D: A and B
What should be made known in the lists of coast and ship stations? A: the services of the stations open to public correspondence B: the information on charging C: what kind of the public correspondence D: A and B
What kind of students may study Business English Correspondence?
What kind of students may study Business English Correspondence?
An inquiry can be made by written correspondence or verbally by talk in person.
An inquiry can be made by written correspondence or verbally by talk in person.