note a. Seeing nobody at home, he decided to leave a note. b. In music, a note is the pitch and duration of a sound, and also its representation in musical notation (♪, ♪).
note a. Seeing nobody at home, he decided to leave a note. b. In music, a note is the pitch and duration of a sound, and also its representation in musical notation (♪, ♪).
As for the 1st note in a legato, the finger shouldn’t leave the key until the other pressing down the 2nd note.
As for the 1st note in a legato, the finger shouldn’t leave the key until the other pressing down the 2nd note.
Sam read the thief's note. In this sentence, 'note' means_____. A: money B: a coin C: a cheque D: a message
Sam read the thief's note. In this sentence, 'note' means_____. A: money B: a coin C: a cheque D: a message
There is no acceptor in a promissory note. ( )
There is no acceptor in a promissory note. ( )
Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage() A: The Bank usually chooses scientists in history for a new note. B: The Bank usually chooses the famous soldiers for a new note. C: The Bank usually chooses the famous women for a new note. D: The Bank usually chooses politicians for a new note.
Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage() A: The Bank usually chooses scientists in history for a new note. B: The Bank usually chooses the famous soldiers for a new note. C: The Bank usually chooses the famous women for a new note. D: The Bank usually chooses politicians for a new note.
The accent of syncopation rhythm is on the 3rd note.
The accent of syncopation rhythm is on the 3rd note.
Customer 2 pays with a twenty pound note.
Customer 2 pays with a twenty pound note.
The maker of a note records interest expense. The creditor of a note holds a note receivable.
The maker of a note records interest expense. The creditor of a note holds a note receivable.
In the workplace of Czech, workers are g...out a doctor's note.
In the workplace of Czech, workers are g...out a doctor's note.
In her notebook, __________ has written herself a short note.
In her notebook, __________ has written herself a short note.