• 2022-06-07 问题

    A [tex=2.357x1.0]7qflA3rEKmWSipDA3jV3Ug==[/tex] sinusoidal signal is sampled at [tex=2.857x1.0]sSdkgCWSu/vvQQkWRfK5xw==[/tex] and 128 samples are collected and used to compute the 128-point DFT of the signal. What is the time duration in seconds of the collected samples?

    A [tex=2.357x1.0]7qflA3rEKmWSipDA3jV3Ug==[/tex] sinusoidal signal is sampled at [tex=2.857x1.0]sSdkgCWSu/vvQQkWRfK5xw==[/tex] and 128 samples are collected and used to compute the 128-point DFT of the signal. What is the time duration in seconds of the collected samples?

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