找出下列划线部分发音不同的单词()A.never B.leg C.red D.he A: never B: leg C: red D: he
找出下列划线部分发音不同的单词()A.never B.leg C.red D.he A: never B: leg C: red D: he
The correct position of leg extension is to keep the main leg tight and straight while the other leg responsible for providing strength stretches the foot and the toe stretches and pulls the main leg to the knee.
The correct position of leg extension is to keep the main leg tight and straight while the other leg responsible for providing strength stretches the foot and the toe stretches and pulls the main leg to the knee.
The word "Ham" means A: pork leg B: 火腿 C: hot leg D: Sausage
The word "Ham" means A: pork leg B: 火腿 C: hot leg D: Sausage
When practicing the movements on the bar, if one hand on the bar, the leg which is away from the bar leg and does all kinds of open and return to the original action is considered as the power leg; the leg which is close to the bar or responsible for carrying the body weight is called the main leg.
When practicing the movements on the bar, if one hand on the bar, the leg which is away from the bar leg and does all kinds of open and return to the original action is considered as the power leg; the leg which is close to the bar or responsible for carrying the body weight is called the main leg.
Fried Chicken Leg
Fried Chicken Leg
The bow-step stance means you stand with the front leg bow-shaped and the back leg arrow-shaped, as if the arrow is in the bow being unleashed.
The bow-step stance means you stand with the front leg bow-shaped and the back leg arrow-shaped, as if the arrow is in the bow being unleashed.
The table’s leg is broken.
The table’s leg is broken.
________in the leg, the soldier was sent to hospital at once.
________in the leg, the soldier was sent to hospital at once.
n.建造;建筑;建筑物 A: construction / kən’strΛkʃən/ B: leg / leg/ C: concentration / kɔnsən’treiʃən/ D: outlet / ‘aut-let/
n.建造;建筑;建筑物 A: construction / kən’strΛkʃən/ B: leg / leg/ C: concentration / kɔnsən’treiʃən/ D: outlet / ‘aut-let/
He had his leg ______ in the match yesterday.
He had his leg ______ in the match yesterday.