• 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The vaccine usually given at birth is ( ) A: Malik B: bursa of Fabricius C: Newcastle disease D: Bird flu

    The vaccine usually given at birth is ( ) A: Malik B: bursa of Fabricius C: Newcastle disease D: Bird flu

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    The peripheral immune organs include A: Lymph node,Spleen, and Bone marrow B: Thymus, Spleen, and MALT C: Bursa of Fabricius,Spleen,and Tonsil D: Spleen, Lymph node, and MALT E: Appendix, Bone marrow, and Lymph node

    The peripheral immune organs include A: Lymph node,Spleen, and Bone marrow B: Thymus, Spleen, and MALT C: Bursa of Fabricius,Spleen,and Tonsil D: Spleen, Lymph node, and MALT E: Appendix, Bone marrow, and Lymph node

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