They put a sheepskin under the horse's ______. A: paddle B: saddle C: addle D: middle
They put a sheepskin under the horse's ______. A: paddle B: saddle C: addle D: middle
Farmers often use water buffalo to help them in the ______fields. A: paddle B: paddy C: pagoda D: pagan
Farmers often use water buffalo to help them in the ______fields. A: paddle B: paddy C: pagoda D: pagan
What’s the name of the image?[img=229x229]180349a113b4ef5.jpg[/img] A: Hand paddle B: Goggles C: Fins D: Foam
What’s the name of the image?[img=229x229]180349a113b4ef5.jpg[/img] A: Hand paddle B: Goggles C: Fins D: Foam
Thousands of people __________ the East Lake yesterday to watch __________ boat race between the world champions, who __________ their boats like mad. (swarm, paddle, spectacular)
Thousands of people __________ the East Lake yesterday to watch __________ boat race between the world champions, who __________ their boats like mad. (swarm, paddle, spectacular)
Which statemrnt is true in Beijing Opera? ( ) A: A paddle represents a boat. B: When the actor walks in a circle, it means that he is trying to find his way. C: Four generals and four soldiers represent an army. D: A decorated whip represents a horse.
Which statemrnt is true in Beijing Opera? ( ) A: A paddle represents a boat. B: When the actor walks in a circle, it means that he is trying to find his way. C: Four generals and four soldiers represent an army. D: A decorated whip represents a horse.